List of British Birds |
The Bitish Ornithologists' Union publish a complete list on their web site of every bird species that has been recorded in Britain.
Click here to visit this site.
Bird |
Seen |
Location |
Notes |
Artic Skua |
Artic Tern |
Avocet |
Bar tailed Godwit |
Barn Owl |
Barnacle Goose |
Bean Goose |
Bearded Tit |
Bewick's Swan |
Bittern |
Black Grouse |
Black Guillemot |
Black Headed Gull |
Black Redstart |
Black Tailed Godwit |
Black Tern |
Black Throated Diver |
Blackbird |
Blackcap |
Black-necked Grebe |
Blue Tit |
Bluethroat |
Blue-Winged Teal |
Brambling |
Brent Goose |
Bullfinch |
Buzzard (Common) |
Buzzard (Honey) |
Buzzard (Rough-legged) |
Canada Goose |
Capercaillie |
Cetti's Warbler |
Chaffinch |
Chiffchaff |
Cirl Bunting |
Coal Tit |
Collared Dove |
Common Gull |
Common Redpoll |
Common Redstart |
Common Sandpiper |
Common Scoter |
Common Snipe |
Common Whitethroat |
Commorant |
Coot (common) |
Corn Bunting |
Corn Crake |
Cory's Shearwater |
Crested Tit |
Crossbill (Common) |
Crossbill (Scottish) |
Crow |
Cuckoo |
Curlew |
Curlew Sandpiper |
Dartford Warbler |
Dipper |
Dotterel |
Dunlin |
Egyptian Goose |
Eider Duck |
European Golden Plover |
Fieldfare |
Firecrest |
Fulmar |
Gadwall |
Garden Warbler |
Garganey |
Glaucous Gull |
Goldcrest |
Golden Eagle |
Golden Oriole |
Golden Pheasant |
Goldeneye |
Goldfinch |
Goosander |
Goshawk |
Grasshopper Warbler |
Great Black Backed Gull |
Great Crested Grebe |
Great Grey Shrike |
Great Northern Diver |
Great Shearwater |
Great Skua |
Great Spotted Woodpecker |
Great Tit |
Green Sandpiper |
Green Woodpecker |
Greenfinch |
Greenshank |
Grey Heron |
Grey Partridge |
Grey Phalarope |
Grey Plover |
Grey Wagtail |
Greylag Goose |
Guillemot |
Hawfinch |
Hedge Accentor (Dunnock) |
Hen Harrier |
Herring Gull |
Hobby |
Hoopooe |
House Martin |
House Sparrow |
Iceland Gull |
Icterine Warbler |
Jack Snipe |
Jackdaw |
Jay |
Kentish Plover |
Kestrel |
Kingfisher |
Kittiwake |
Knot |
Lapland Bunting |
Lapwing |
Lasy Amherst's Pheasant |
Leach's Petrel |
Lesser Black Back Gull |
Lesser Whitethroat |
Lesser-spotted Woodpecker |
Linnet |
Little Auk |
Little Egret |
Little Grebe |
Little Gull |
Little Owl |
Little Ringed Plover |
Little Stint |
Little Tern |
Long Tailed duck |
Long Tailed Skua |
Long-eared Owl |
Long-tailed Tit |
Magpie |
Mallard |
Mandarin Duck |
Manx Shearwater |
Marsh Harrier |
Marsh Sandpiper |
Marsh Tit |
Marsh Warbler |
Meadow Pipit |
Mediterranean Gull |
Merlin |
Mistle Thrush |
Montagu's Harrier |
Moorhen |
Mute Swan |
Nightingale |
Nightjar |
Northern Gannet |
Northern Pintail |
Nuthatch |
Osprey |
Oystercatcher |
Peregrine Falcon |
Pheasant (common) |
Pied Flycatcher |
Pied wagtail |
Pink-footed Goose |
Pintail Duck |
Pochard |
Pomarine Skua |
Ptarmigan |
Puffin |
Purple Heron |
Purple Sandpiper |
Quail |
Raven |
Razorbill |
Red Backed Shrike |
Red Billed Chough |
Red Breasted Merganser |
Red Crested Pochard |
Red Grouse |
Red Kite |
Red-legged Partridge |
Red-necked Grebe |
Red-necked Phalarope |
Redshank |
Red-throated Diver |
Redwing |
Reed Bunting |
Reed Warbler |
Ring Ouzel |
Ring-Billed Gull |
Ringed Plover |
Robin |
Rock Dove |
Rock Pipit |
Rook |
Rose Ringed Parakeet |
Roseate Tern |
Ruddy Duck |
Ruff |
Sand Martin |
Sanderling |
Sandwich Tern |
Savi's Warbler |
Scaup |
Sedge Warbler |
Serin |
Shag |
Shelduck |
Shore Lark |
Short-eared Owl |
Shoveller Duck |
Siskin |
Sky Lark |
Slavonian Grebe |
Smew |
Snow Bunting |
Song Thrush | |||
Sooty Shearwater |
Sparrowhawk |
Spoonbill |
Spotted Crake |
Spotted Flycatcher |
Spotted Redshank |
Starling |
Stock Dove |
Stonechat |
Stone-Curlew |
Storm Petrel |
Swallow |
Swift |
Tawny Owl |
Teal |
Temminck's Stint |
Tern (common) |
Tree Pipit |
Tree Sparrow |
Treecreeper |
Tufted Duck |
Turnstone |
Turtle Dove |
Twite |
Velvet Scoter |
Water Pipit |
Water Rail |
Waxwing |
Wheatear |
Whimbrel |
Whinchat |
White Tailed Eagle |
White-fronted Goose |
Whooper Swan |
Wigeon |
Willow Tit |
Willow Warbler |
Wood Lark |
Wood Pigeon |
Wood Sandpiper |
Wood Warbler |
Woodcock |
Wren |
Wryneck |
Yellow Wagtail |
Yellowhammer |
Click here for details of the best places to see birds in the local area