Hadleigh Country Park Sunday 7th April 2002

A fine but blustery day as we explored the new footpath and the scenic delights of Hadleigh Country Park led by Steve Bunn of the Essex Ranger Service.

Species Seen????

  1. Little Grebe
  2. Little Egret
  3. Grey Heron
  4. Common Shelduck
  5. Teal
  6. Sparrowhawk (x5)
  7. Kestrel
  8. Moorhen
  9. Coot
  10. Oystercatcher
  11. Golden Plover
  12. Lapwing
  13. Curlew
  14. Herring Gull
  15. Black-headed Gull
  16. Common Tern (1st this spring)
  17. Stock Dove
  18. Wood Pigeon
  19. Collared Dove
  20. Short-eared Owl
  21. Great Spotted Woodpecker
  22. Green Woodpecker
  23. Skylark
  24. Pied Wagtail
  25. Wren
  26. Dunnock
  27. Robin
  28. Blackbird
  29. Blackcap
  30. Chiffchaff
  31. Long-tailed Tit
  32. Great Tit
  33. Blue Tit
  34. Jay
  35. Magpie
  36. Carrion Crow
  37. Starling
  38. House Sparrow
  39. Chaffinch
  40. Greenfinch
  41. Goldfinch
  42. Linnet
  43. Bullfinch
  44. Yellowhammer
  45. Corn Bunting

View over the downs from the new footpath

Mares Tails (Hippurus vulgaris) growing
alongside the footpath

Our group enjoys the view and the first
Tern we had seen this spring

Bluebells in bloom amongst the woods

Grateful thanks to Steve Bunn of the Essex Ranger Service for making our walk so enjoyable.