Pulborough Brooks 11th November 2001

In the scenic Arun Valley, this beautiful nature reserve is important for many species of wildlife. In winter, controlled flooding of the wet grassy meadows give refuge to thousands of ducks, geese, swans and wading birds. In spring, many birds breed, including songbirds such as nightingales and wading birds. In the summer, there are many colourful butterflies and dragonflies.

As you walk to the hides in winter you can watch for the large numbers of wintering ducks, also look for small birds in the trees, hedgerows and fields. These can include, amongst many others, flocks of skylarks, meadow pipits, fieldfares, redwings, long-tailed tits, chaffinches, goldfinches, linnets and yellowhammers. As well as ducks, the views from the hides will usually include lapwing flocks and there is the chance of the occasional golden plover, dunlin and black-tailed godwit.

Water rails may be heard, if not seen, near Westmead and Nettley’s hides. Ruffs, from one or two up to twenty or so, should be visible from the hides and could prove to be attractive prey for a hungry peregrine. Bewick’s swans may well have returned from Siberia and, whilst they principally use the reserve as a night time roost, a few can sometimes be seen on the wet meadows during the day.

Opening times:
Reserve open daily (closed 25 December).
Visitor centre open daily (closed 25 and 26 December) 10 am to 5 pm (tearoom closes at 4.45 pm).

How to find the reserve
Signposted off the A283 Pulborough to Storrington Road, about 3 km (2 miles) south-east of Pulborough. To see a location map of the reserve click here.

Species Seen


  1. Little Grebe
  2. Cormorant
  3. Grey Heron
  4. Mute Swan
  5. Greylag Goose
  6. Canada Goose
  7. Wigeon
  8. Teal
  9. Mallard
  10. Pintail
  11. Shoveler
  12. Sparrowhawk
  13. Kestrel
  14. Peregrine Falcon
  15. Common Pheasant
  16. Moorhen
  17. Golden Plover
  18. Lapwing
  19. Common Snipe
  20. Redshank
  21. Dunlin
  22. Ruff
  23. Black-headed Gull
  24. Wood Pigeon
  25. Collared Dove
  26. Great Spotted Woodpecker
  27. Green Woodpecker
  28. Skylark
  29. Meadow Pipit
  30. Pied Wagtail
  31. Wren
  32. Dunnock
  33. Robin
  34. Stonechat
  35. Blackbird
  36. Fieldfare
  37. Redwing
  38. Song Thrush
  39. Mistle Thrush
  40. Goldcrest
  41. Marsh Tit
  42. Coal Tit
  43. Great Tit
  44. Blue Tit
  45. Nuthatch
  46. Jay
  47. Magpie
  48. Jackdaw
  49. Rook
  50. Carrion Crow
  51. Starling
  52. Chaffinch
  53. Brambling
  54. Greenfinch
  55. Goldfinch
  56. Linnet
  57. Bullfinch
  58. Yellowhammer
  59. Reed Bunting









The RSPB Group gets a personal service
 as the warden explains the reserve