Dungeness - Sunday 6th May 2001


Steve Sanford and Web Author

A very windy but sunny visit to Dungeness. The visit served two purposes 1)? to prove to Steve that it doesn't always rain here! and 2) your Author's first visit to this outstanding area.

Situated on a unique shingle foreland extending into the English Channel, Dungeness reserve attracts an important breeding colony of gulls and terns in summer and, in winter, large numbers of wildfowl. In spring and autumn many migrating birds call in, with always the chance of a rarity.

Species Seen????

  1. Little Grebe
  2. Great Crested Grebe
  3. Slavonian Grebe
  4. Black-necked Grebe
  5. Gannet
  6. Little Egret x2
  7. Grey Heron
  8. Mute Swan
  9. Greylag Goose
  10. Canada Goose
  11. Shelduck
  12. Gadwall
  13. Common Teal
  14. Garganey
  15. Shoveler
  16. Tufted Duck
  17. Kestrel
  18. Oystercatcher
  19. Pied Avocet
  20. Black-tailed Godwit
  21. Curlew
  22. Greenshank
  23. Ruff
  24. Herring Gull
  25. Lesser Black-backed Gull
  26. Black-headed Gull
  27. Common Tern
  28. Wood Pigeon
  29. Collared Dove
  30. Swift
  31. Swallow
  32. House Martin
  33. Meadow Pipit
  34. Pied Wagtail
  35. Yellow Wagtail
  36. Wheatear
  37. Reed-warbler
  38. Common Whitethroat
  39. Magpie
  40. Jackdaw
  41. Rook
  42. Carrion Crow
  43. Starling
  44. Linnet
  45. Yellowhammer
  46. Reed Bunting

Also in the area but not seen were: Marsh Harrier and Blue-headed Wagtail

The main Centre

General views of this fantastic area

All images courtesy of the RSPB image Library at:

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