Minsmere Sunday 14th October 2001


An autumn pilgrimage to our Flagship reserve of Minsmere in Suffolk by your Web Author and Steve Sanford produced the following species:

(I have to have a day off from local birding sometimes! Web Author.)

Species seen

  1. Little Grebe
  2. Cormorant
  3. Grey Heron
  4. Mute Swan
  5. Greylag Goose
  6. Canada Goose
  7. Common Shelduck
  8. Wigeon
  9. Gadwall
  10. Common Teal
  11. Shoveler
  12. Marbled Duck (pair)
  13. Pochard
  14. Marsh Harrier x5
  15. Sparrowhawk
  16. Kestrel
  17. Coot
  18. Lapwing
  19. Common Snipe
  20. Black-tailed Godwit
  21. Dunlin
  22. Little Gull
  1. Common Gull
  2. Great Black-backed Gull
  3. Herring Gull
  4. Black-headed Gull
  5. Wood Pigeon
  6. Collared Dove
  7. Short-eared Owl
  8. Kingfisher
  9. Green Woodpecker
  10. Pied Wagtail
  11. Dunnock
  12. Goldcrest
  13. Bearded Tit
  14. Great Tit
  15. Blue Tit
  16. Magpie
  17. Rook
  18. Carrion Crow
  19. Starling
  20. Chaffinch
  21. Greenfinch
  22. Goldfinch

Also reported in the area on this day were Dusky Warbler, Lapland Bunting and Red Throated Pipit.

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