Tollesbury Wick 9th December 2001


A rare example of an Essex freshwater grazing marsh, worked for decades by traditional methods sympathetic to wildlife. Wildlife is abundant in the 600 acres of rough pasture, borrowdykes, seawalls, wet flushes, pools and saltmarsh.

Large areas of rough pasture suit small mammals such as field vole and common shrew. In winter, they attract hunting hen harrier and short-eared owls.
Dry grassland on the slopes of the sea walls supports a wide variety of insects, including butterflies, bush crickets and grasshoppers. In spring spiny restharrow, grass vetchling, slender hare's-ear and many other wild flowers can be found in ungrazed areas.

Borrowdykes trace the inland edge of the sinuous seawall for its entire length. Common reed, sea clubrush and fennel pondweed are typical plants of these brackish areas where reed warbler, reed bunting and meadow pipit nest in spring, and heron and little grebe stalk in search of food. Wet flushes, dykes and small pools in the pasture support aquatic plants such as water crowfoot, and breeding populations of dragonflies and other aquatic species. Redshank, lapwing, brent geese and wigeon feed or roost on the winter-wet grassland of the reserve.

Follow the B1023 to Tollesbury via Tiptree, leaving the A12 at Kelvedon, then follow Woodrolfe Road towards the marina and car park at Woodrolfe Green.

Species Seen


  1. Red-throated Diver
  2. Little Grebe
  3. Great Crested Grebe
  4. Cormorant
  5. Little Egret
  6. Grey Heron
  7. Mute Swan
  8. Greylag Goose
  9. Brent Goose
  10. Common Shelduck
  11. Wigeon
  12. Common Teal
  13. Mallard
  14. Pochard
  15. Shoveler
  16. Tufted Duck
  17. Goldeneye
  18. Red-breasted Merganser
  19. Hen Harrier (1f, 1 m)
  20. Sparrowhawk
  21. Kestrel
  22. Common Pheasant
  23. Moorhen
  24. Coot
  25. Oystercatcher
  26. Avocet
  27. Golden Plover
  28. Grey Plover
  29. Lapwing
  30. Common Snipe
  31. Black-tailed Godwit
  32. Bar-tailed Godwit
  33. Curlew
  34. Spotted Redshank
  35. Common Redshank
  36. Greenshank
  37. Turnstone
  38. Dunlin
  39. Ruff
  40. Great Black-backed Gull
  41. Herring Gull
  42. Lesser Black-backed Gull
  43. Black-headed Gull
  44. Wood Pigeon
  45. Collared Dove
  46. Barn Owl
  47. Short-eared Owl (x4!)
  48. Green Woodpecker
  49. Skylark
  50. Meadow Pipit
  51. Pied Wagtail
  52. Wren
  53. Robin
  54. Dunnock
  55. Blackbird
  56. Fieldfare
  57. Song Thrush
  58. Mistle Thrush
  59. Stonechat
  60. Great Tit
  61. Blue Tit
  62. Magpie
  63. Jay
  64. Jackdaw
  65. Rook
  66. Carrion Crow
  67. Starling
  68. House Sparrow
  69. Chaffinch
  70. Greenfinch
  71. Goldfinch
  72. Reed Bunting








Start of the five mile Tollesbury walk


Looking over Tollesbury Wick
towards the Bradwell power station


The Group admire the sight of three
Short-eared Owls together

