Two Tree Island Sunday 17th December 2000

Two Tree Island is split into two areas, an eastern and a western side. The eastern part of Two Tree Island consists of a a small tidal island with the adjoining saltmarsh (170 acres) and a large area of inter-tidal mudflats (464 acres). It is part of Leigh National Nature Reserve and is managed by the Essex Wildlife Trust.

Two Tree Island typifies the history of many Essex coastal sites. It was reclaimed from the sea in the 18th century when a sea-wall was built around saltmarsh, and was used for rough grazing until 1910 when a sewage farm was built on its eastern tip. In 1936 Southend Borough Council acquired the whole island and used it as a rubbish tip until the 1970s.

The island itself consists mainly of grassland and scrub, with the former rubbish tip supporting a number of interesting alien plants and 'escapes'. A wide variety of birds is seen, and particularly migrants. Kestrels hover over the grassland and Short-eared Owls visit during the winter, hunting for field voles.?

Species Seen


  1. Little Grebe
  2. Cormorant
  3. Grey Heron
  4. Brent Goose
  5. Shelduck
  6. Common Teal
  7. Kestrel
  8. Common Pheasant
  9. Golden Plover
  10. Grey Plover
  11. Ringed Plover
  12. Lapwing
  13. Common Snipe x4
  14. Bar-tailed Godwit
  15. Curlew
  16. Common Redshank
  17. Knot
  18. Great Black-backed Gull
  19. Lesser Black-backed Gull
  20. Black-headed Gull
  21. Green Woodpecker
  22. Meadow Pipit
  23. Wren
  24. Robin
  25. Stonechat x2
  26. Blackbird
  27. Magpie
  28. Carrion Crow
  29. Starling
  30. Linnet x12
  31. Greenfinch
  32. Reed Bunting
  33. Corn Bunting x15


The RSPB group takes over the car park?

Overlooking the Lagoon area on a very murky day, the group goes for?
the most birders in one hide record
