Wakering Stairs Sunday 23rd January 2000

A mostly sunny day with a very cold westerly wind. The walk was from Wakering Stairs to the sea wall by Oxenham farm.

Species seen

  1. Blackbird
  2. Black Headed Gull
  3. Brent Goose
  4. Carrion Crow
  5. Common Gull
  6. Common Sandpiper
  7. Common Scoter
  8. Curlew
  9. Dunlin
  10. Great Black Backed Gull
  11. Grey Heron
  12. Grey Plover
  13. Herring Gull
  14. Kestrel
  15. Knot
  16. Little Grebe
  17. Long Tailed Tit
  18. Magpie
  19. Mallard
  20. Meadow Pipit
  21. Oystercatcher
  22. Pied Wagtail
  23. Reed Bunting
  24. Redshank
  25. Ringed Plover
  26. Shelduck
  27. Starling
  28. Stonechat
  29. Turnstone
  30. Wood Pigeon