
Bird Reports for January 2013

Thursday 31st January 2013west south west, partly cloudy, max11°c    

Private Land Near Crays Hill 09:20
1 Bulfinch. G. Dixon.

Hockley Woods, 09:45 to 12:30
1 Stock Dove, 1 Green Woodpecker, 7 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Redwing, 6 Goldcrest, 1 Firecrest in hollies near the Bull Car park, 1 Nuthatch, 3 Treecreeper. Paul Griggs, Paul Baker, Richard Howard, Don Petrie, John Wright (SOG).

Hockley Woods 10:00 to 13:00
Nuthatch heard in car park, 20+ Wood Pigeon, 2 Magpie, 10 Great Tit, 20 Blue Tit (most of them paired), 2 Robin, 2 Jay, Jackdaw, 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 8 Long-tailed Tit, 2 Treecreeper, 4 Goldcrest, 1 Wren, 1 Firecrest. G. Dixon.

Hanningfield Reservoir Causeway 12:45 to 13:00
350+ Black-headed Gull, 15 Great Black-backed Gull, 150+ Herring Gull, 9 lesser Black-backed Gull, 40+ Mallard, 60+ Common Gull, 100+ Tufted Duck, 30+ Pochard, 250+ Wigeon, 35 Cormorant, 12 Coot, 250+ Canada Geese, 170+ Greylag Geese, 8 Barnacle Geese, 5 Magpie, 20+ Carrion Crow, 4 Starling. Rob Harris.

South Fambridge, 12:50 to 13:45
11 Golden Plover, 1 Water Pipit showed well on rocks near the start of the saltings east of the steps, c.100 Fieldfare. Paul Griggs, Richard Howard, John Wright (SOG).

South Fambridge, 13:15 to 13:45
55 Greylag Goose and 1 female Marsh Harrier over Blue House Farm. Paul Baker, Don Petrie (SOG).

Hadleigh Downs, 14:00 to 14:15
1 male Adder basking in the sun. Andrew Woodhouse (SOG).

Two Tree Island West, 14:20 to 15:30
1 immature female Peregrine Falcon, 2 Avocet, c.300 Knot, 8 Snipe, 4 Bar-tailed Godwit, 4 Greenshank, 1 Skylark, 8 Linnet, 2 Reed Bunting, 2 Corn Bunting. Paul Griggs, Mike Bailey, Paul Baker, Richard Howard, Don Petrie, John Wright (SOG).

Wakering, Star Lane Pits, 15:00 to 16:00
1 Woodcock, 2 Bullfinch (pair). Ian Douch (SOG).

RSPB Wallasea Island 15:30 to 16:15
1 Cormorant, 7 Grey Heron, 4 Little Egret, 2 Fieldfare, 3 Yellowhammer, 70+ Corn Bunting, 2 Reed Bunting, 1 Kestrel, 60+ Stock Dove 9 Carrion Crow, 3 Magpie. Rob Harris.

Paglesham Churchend 16:30 to 16:40
60+ Fieldfare, 30+ Stock Dove, 11 Carrion Crow, 3 Magpie, 1 Blackbird, 1 Greater Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Pheasant. Rob Harris.

Wednesday 30th January 2013west south wester, partly cloudy, max14°c    

Billericay 07:45
Male Sparrowhawk with freshly killed Blackbird. I got within 2 metres and it still stayed with the kill on the ground. Mike Butler.

Chelmsford Town, Opposite Canoe Club 08:10 to 08:15
10-13 Siskin in tree, 2 mute Swan. Joe.

Rayleigh Mount, 08:15 to 08:25
1 Sparrowhawk over being mobbed by crows, later seen over train station. Paul Baker (SOG).

Chalkwell Park Drive, Leigh, 09:30 to 10:30
1 male Blackcap still around the garden. John Wright (SOG).

Hanningfield Reservoir 15:00
Pair Goosander, Tufted Duck, 30+ Cormorant, 2 Grey Heron, 4 Goldeneye. G. Dixon.

Tuesday 29th January 2013south westerly, mostly cloudy, max14°c    

Ashingdon 08:20
1 Mistle Thrush singing in Lascelles Gardens. David Selley.

Wat Tyler Country Park, 10:15 to 12:10
1 Snow Goose (The escape with Canada's on Vange Wick), 1 Kestrel, 1 Peregrine Falcon (big female out on Vange Wick), 6 Ruff and 9 Snipe on scrape, 1 Black-tailed Godwit and 5 Spotted Redshank in creek by marina, 1 Green Sandpiper on scrape, 25 Stock Dove, 1 Cetti's Warbler heard, 1 Bearded Tit heard briefly twice from scrape hide. John Wright, Richard Howard (SOG).

South Fambridge, 13:00 to 14:30
2 Great Crested Grebe, 5 Greylag Goose (with single smaller darker goose, probably the White-fronted but non conclusive on Blue Hse Farm side), 8 Barnacle Goose (on Blue Hse Farm side of river), 1 Kestrel, 250 Golden Plover (approx), 150 Lapwing (approx), 1 Common Sandpiper and 1 Rock Pipit along seawall west of village. John Wright, Richard Howard (SOG).

Lower Raypits, 13:50 to 14:00
Viewed from sea wall at Upper Raypits Farm: 31 Mute Swan, 7 Bewick's Swan (adults still with the Mutes). Don Petrie (SOG).

Hanningfield Reservoir 14:30 to 15:00
250+ Tufted Duck, 100+ Pochard, 150+ Wigeon, 23 Teal, 100+ Coot, 1 Redhead Smew, 130+ Mallard, 12 Shoveler, 50+ Lapwing, 250+ Black-headed Gull, 120+ Herring Gull, 50+ Common Gull, 17 Great Black-backed Gull, 4 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 160+ Greylag Geese, 200+ Canada Geese, 45 Cormorant, 9 Magpie, 30+ Carrion Crow, 3 Moorhen, 1 Blackbird, 3 Blue Tit. Rob Harris.

Monday 28th January 2013south south westerly, mostly cloudy, max11°c    

East Tilbury/Coalhouse Fort 09:39 to 13:50
700+ Avocet, 1 Snipe, 3 Turnstone at C. Fort, c.13 Gadwall on pit, 100+ Teal, 1 Little Egret, 10+ Fieldfare, 1 Stonechat, 6000+ Dunlin, 200+ Black-tailed Godwit, a few Bar-tailed Godwit. Richard Fahey.

Applerow, Eastwood, 09:50
1 Green Woodpecker heard. Paul Baker, Don Petrie (SOG).

Hockley Woods, 10:10 to 12:20
2 Green Woodpecker, 6 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 female Lesser Spotted Woodpecker in the car park, 8 Goldcrest, 1 male Coal Tit showing well, 1 Nuthatch, 5 Treecreeper. 1 Chinese Muntjac. John Wright, Paul Baker, Richard Howard, Don Petrie (SOG).

Ashingdon, 10:40 to 10:55
8 Waxwing on wires Stanley Road. Ray Fuller (SOG).

Rayleigh, Ferndale Road 11:00
1 Sparrowhawk displaying and calling. Robin Peppiatt.

EWT Abberton Reservoir 11:00 to 15:00
1 Bittern, 2 pair Smew, 12 drake and 6 redhead Goosander, 3 female Marsh Harrier, 1 Barn Owl, 1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Kestrel, 1 drake Pintail, c.100 Teal, 3 Drake and 3 female Goldeneye, 3 Grey Heron, 1 Little Egret, c.30 Fieldfare, 1 Redwing. Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch. David & Brenda Hale.

Shoebury, Friars Park, 12:00 to 13:00
3 Mandarin Duck on the lake at the end of Exeter Close, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker. Alan Shearman (SOG).

RSPB Wallasea Island 13:00 to 16:15
1 Marsh Harrier, 1 ringtail Hen Harrier, 4 Kestrel, 5 Corn Bunting, 2 Stonechat, 60 Fieldfare, 80 Shelduck, Dunlin, Grey Plover, Redshank, Curlew. David Shepherd.

Southend Pier, 13:15 to 14:45
20 Mediterranean Gull, 6 Guillemot, 1 Gavia sp. (flew out of estuary). 2 Common Seal. John Wright, Paul Baker, Richard Howard, Don Petrie (SOG).

Hanningfield Reservoir Causeway 14:15 to 14:30
150+ Wigeon, 20 Teal, 60 Coot, 1 redhead Smew, 100+ Mallard, 10 Shoveler, 100+ Black-headed Gull, 30+ Herring Gull, 10 Common Gull, 8 Great Black-backed Gull, 50+ Lapwing, 5 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 3 Greater Crested Grebe, 60+ Greylag Geese, 160+ Canada Geese, 38 Cormorant, 7 Magpie, 25 Carrion Crow, 5 Moorhen. Rob Harris.

Southend, 15:00 to 15:10
2 Peregrine Falcon (male and female on and around old HSBC building). John Wright, Paul Baker, Richard Howard, Don Petrie (SOG).

Paglesham Lagoon, 15:00 to 16:45
9 Little Egret (9 came in while watching from 3.30pm with at least two already in the roost), 1 Great White Egret came in to roost at 4.22pm from south easterly direction. Alan Shearman (SOG).

Sunday 27th January 2013south westerly, partly cloudy, max4°c    

Canewdon, Lark Hill Road 08:00 to 08:20
2 Song Thrush - both singing. David Selley.

Rayleigh, 08:35
5 Waxwing on wires along Rawreth Lane by entrance to Lubards Farm. Neil Chambers (SOG).

Benfleet, 08:55 to 09:05
1 Little Egret flew south over A13, 48 Jackdaw between Kenneth Road and Hadleigh. Graham Ryland (SOG).

Paglesham Eastend, 09:00 to 09:20
2 Red-breasted Merganser off the boatyard. Mike Clarke (SOG).

Rayleigh 09:00 to 10:00
9 Waxwing on telegraph wires by lights junction Rawreth Lane and Down Hall Park Road (entrance Lubards Farm). Robin Peppiatt.

Shoebury Avenue, Shoeburyness 09:00 to 10:00
Excellent view of male Sparrowhawk perched in feeder tree, 1 Wren, 5 Goldfinch, male and female Blackbird, 2 Blue Tit, 2 Great Tit, 1 Robin, 2 Greenfinch, 1 female Chaffimch, 2 Dunnock, 7 Starling, 3 Wood Pigeon, 2 Collared Dove, 10 House Sparrow. Steve Day.

Paglesham, 09:15 to 09:45
Around the sewage farm reservoir: 3 Skylark, c.200 Fieldfare (large flock flew across road as I was leaving), 1 Corn Bunting (singing). Mike Clarke

Two Tree Island West, 09:15 to 12:15
1 Red-throated Diver, 4 Little Grebe, 80 Wigeon, 1 drake Pintail on scrape, 44 Avocet, 200 Golden Plover, 5000 Knot (at least), 2 Sanderling, 3 Snipe, 80 Bar-tailed Godwit, 1 Rock Pipit. Graham Ryland (SOG).

Two Tree Island 09:20 to 11:45
Numerous Redshank, Lapwing, Teal, Wigeon, Shoveler, Brent Geese, 7 Curlew, 14 Avocet, 5 Sanderling, 8 Oystercatcher, 3 Grey Plover, 3 Snipe, 2 Greenshank, drake Pintail, drake Gadwall, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Moorhen, Pied Wagtail. Chris Henry.

Wakering, Fleet Head, 10:00 to 10:30
20 Shelduck, 1 Sparrowhawk, 2 Kestrel, 5 Skylark, 1 Reed Bunting. Lee Ebbs (SOG).

Shoebury East Beach, 10:00 to 11:00
98 Dark-bellied Brent Goose, 150+ Oystercatcher, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit, 5 Curlew, 15 Turnstone, 6 Common Gull, 1 Redwing. Brian Baldock (SOG).

Southend Pier, 10:00 to 13:45
4 Red-throated Diver (at least), 1 Great Northern Diver, 16 Great Crested Grebe, 8 Common Scoter, 22 Mediterranean Gull, 8 Guillemot (at least, with two very close into the bay). Steve Arlow, Paul Griggs, Richard Howard (SOG).

Lion Creek, 10:15 to 11:00
7 Bewick's Swan, 300+ Fieldfare in field opposite marina entrance for Wallasea, 1 Yellowhammer, 8 Reed Bunting. Mike Clarke (SOG).

Wakering Stairs 10:15 to 12:00
3 Little Egret, 48 Dark-bellied Brent Goose, 9 Shelduck, 1 Sparrowhawk and 1 Kestrel both over Havengore Bridge, 1990 Oystercatcher, c.4000 Knot, c.2200 Dunlin, 265 Grey Plover, 96 Curlew, 127 Redshank, c.300 Bar-tailed Godwit in flight off Foulness, 18 Stock Dove, 2 Skylark, 27 Linnet, 9 Long-tailed Tit, 1 Reed Bunting. David Selley.

Hanningfield Reservoir 10:30 to 13:00
30 Wigeon, 20 Teal, 100 Coot, 6 Goldeneye, 1 redhead Smew, Mallard, Black-headed Gull, Herring Gull, Common Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Greylag Geese, Canada Geese, Barnacle Geese, 10 Lapwing, 4 Goldcrest, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Long-tailed Tit, Coal Tit, 5 Fieldfare, Treecreeper. Mark Hutson.

Shoebury East Beach, 11:00 to 11:30
1 Shag fishing northeast side of boom, 30 Sanderling, 10 Turnstone. Lee Ebbs (SOG).

West Mersea 11:00 to 13:00
30 Brent Geese, 10 Dunlin, 2 Cormorant, 40+ Grey Plover, 8 Lapwing, 1 Great Crested Grebe, 24 Little Grebe, 2 Oystercatcher, 10 Turnstone, 8 Red-breasted Merganser, 1 Marsh Harrier, 1 Great Black-backed Gull, 1 Great Northern Diver, 1 Shag. Stacey Belbin.

Pagelsham Church End 11:00 to 14:00
Flock of over 150 to 200 Fieldfare feeding on fields both sides of the road and up and down to the trees Back of Ingulfs Farm. John Carson.

Shoebury East Beach, 11:30 to 11:40
1 Shag flew off as I arrived! Mike Clarke

Benfleet, 12:25 to 12:30
40 Waxwing Danesfield Road (eastern end). Simon Watson (SOG).

Danbury/Bicknacre 13:00
Common Buzzard being mobbed by carrion crow towards Stow Maries area. Steve Day.

Parkanaur Avenue, Thorpe Bay 13:30
2 Blackcap (male and female) on feeders in our garden. Ian Smith.

Ballards Gore 13:45 to 13:50
1 Great Northern Diver flew over high from sewerage works north towards Canewdon. Rob Harris.

RSPB Wallasea Island 14:00 to 14:30
1 Little Egret, 1 female Merlin, 1 Kestrel, 12 Skylark, 200+ Fieldfare, 70+ Corn Bunting, 26 Carrion Crow, 3 Magpie, 50+ Lapwing, 30+ Stock Dove, 40+ Wood Pigeon, 27 Black-headed Gull, 4 Herring Gull. Rob Harris.

Benfleet, Kents Hill Road 14:35
40 Waxwing. Jerry Stock.

Benfleet, 15:00 to 15:05
14 Waxwing A13/Kents Hill road North Junction. Graham Ryland (SOG).

RSPB Wallasea Island, 15:00 to 15:10
c.500 Fieldfare feeding in fields just before the Marina, 1 Redwing with the Fieldfare. Steve Sanford (SOG).

RSPB Wallasea Island, 15:00 to 16:15
2 Marsh Harrier, 1 adult male Hen Harrier, 1 Buzzard, 2 Kestrel, 1 Peregrine Falcon, 50+ Lapwing, 200 Fieldfare (Probably more), 100+ Corn Bunting. Dudley Shayler (SOG).

One Tree Hill, Langdon Hills Country Park 16:00 to 16:30
5 Carrion Crow, 2 Buzzard being mobbed by the Crows. Aston Phillips.

Paglesham Eastend, 16:13
1 Buzzard in field near Punch Bowl. Steve Arlow (SOG, www.birdersplayground.co.uk).

Paglesham East Hall Road, 16:25 to 16:35
1 Little Owl responded at the Old Barns 4:30pm-4:35pm. Steve Arlow (SOG, www.birdersplayground.co.uk).

Saturday 26th January 2013south south westerly, clear to light rain, max8°c    

West Mersea 08:00 to 09:30
50+ Brent Geese, 15 Wigeon, 2 Redshank, 3 Curlew, 400+ Dunlin, 1 Cormorant, 60+ Grey Plover, 2 Shelduck, 2 Great Crested Grebe, 26 Little Grebe, 3 Oystercatcher, 12 Turnstone, 15 Red-breasted Merganser, 1 Marsh Harrier, 2 Great Black-backed Gull, 5 Ringed Plover, 1 Great Northern Diver, 2 Shag. Stacey Belbin.

South Benfleet, Vicarage Hill Area 08:25
1 female Blackcap eating ivy berries and from apple halves. Martin Cracknell (SOG).

Ashingdon, 09:00 to 09:05
1 female Blackcap in the garden. Steve Sanford (SOG).

Hadleigh Downs, 09:00 to 10:30
1 Kestrel, 3 Woodcock, 8 Fieldfare, 6 Redwing, 2 Bullfinch. 1 Chinese Muntjac. Andrew Woodhouse (SOG).

EWT Thurrock Thameside 09:15
3 Short-eared Owl, 1 Water Rail in a ditch. Jim Bailey.

Paglesham, 08:25 to 09:15
Around reservoir near sewage works only: 1 Jack Snipe flushed from south east side of reservoir, appeared to land in ditch running east-west just north of the reservoir, 3 Snipe, 1 Skylark, 2 Meadow Pipit, 2 Corn Bunting (singing). Neil Chambers (SOG).

RSPB Wallasea Island, 09:25 to 09:55
Quick look by white gate, then from car park: 1 immature male Marsh Harrier, 75 Stock Dove, 100 Skylark, 40 Fieldfare, 120 Linnet, 3 Yellowhammer, 10 Reed Bunting, 200 Corn Bunting. 1 Common Seal in wetlands. Neil Chambers (SOG).

Ashingdon, 09:30 to 09:45
6 Waxwing on wires Stanley Road. Ray Fuller (SOG).

Maldon 09:45 to 11:45
1 Fieldfare on front garden hedge eating pyracantha berries. Heybridge Basin walking towards Maldon: 1 Kestrel, 5 Fieldfare, 12 male and female Wigeon, 1 Mistle Thrush, 1 Black-headed Gull, 12 Redhshank, 15 Knot, 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 1 Cetti's Warbler, Canada Geese among mud flats, 12 Teal, Mallard. Christine Palin.

RSPB Wallasea Island 10:00 to 16:45
1 adult male and 2 ringtail Hen Harrier, 1 Marsh Harrier, 1 female Merlin, 1 male Peregrine Falcon, 2 Sparrowhawk, 3 Kestrel, c.300 Corn Bunting, 2 Barn Owl, 1 Short-eared Owl, 1 Greenshank, 5 Pintail, 3 Little Egret. Andrew Gouldstone.

EWT Lion Creek, 10:05 to 10:35
7 Mute Swan, 10 Fieldfare, 2 Reed Bunting. Neil Chambers (SOG).

Merryfields Avenue, Hockley 10:15
1 Collared Dove, 1 Jay. J. Jones.

South Benfleet, Near Hopes Green, 10:35
Male Blackcap sat in tree, eyed the feeders, then flew away. Sheryl Walmsley.

Ashingdon, Golden Cross Road, 10:45 to 11:30
1 Fieldfare, 1 male Blackcap on sunflower hearts, 2 Jackdaw. Neil Chambers (SOG).

Canvey Island Lake 11:30 to 12:30
1 drake Mandarin taking bread offerings with Mallard and standing his ground. David & Brenda Hale.

Wat Tyler Country Park, 11:45 to 12:40
Scrape: 1 Water Rail heard, 1 female Ruff, 2 adult Mediterranean Gull, 1 Caspian Gull (2nd-w). Paul Griggs (SOG).

Lower Raypits, 12:00 to 12:00
Viewed from back of Butts Hill Pond: 7 Bewick's Swan still present with Mute Flock on fields south west of Raypits reserve. Jeff Delve (SOG).

Paglesham Lagoon 12:00 to 16:30
1 Hen Harrier, 1 Marsh Harrier, 2 Kestrel, 1 Barn Owl, 1 Rock Pipit, 2 pairs of Red-breasted Merganser and 3 Goldeneye (1 drake and 2 ducks), numerous Pintail, Goldeneye, Shoveler and Wigeon on reservoir. Also: escaped escaped bird Chiloe Wigeon. Clare and Eddie Smith.

Southchurch Park East and Southchurch Park 12:45
20+ Waxwing feeding on Rowanberry bush west end/central of pond bank, flew off after five minutes to Southchurch Park, 1 Fieldfare feeding around base of tree left of rowanberry bush/outside fence, 1 Green Woodpecker feeding on top south grassbank/Shaftesbury Avenue. Southchurch Park: 4 Turnstone feeding along inside perimeter of dropped pond water. Robert Dobinson.

Canvey Point 13:00 to 15:00
1000+ Knot, 500+ Dunlin, c.500 Oystercatcher, 14 Ringed Plover, 15 Lapwing, c.20 Grey Plover, c.50 Curlew, 8 Wigeon, c.20 Black-tailed Godwit, Turnstone, 30+ Great Crested Grebe, c.30 Brent Geese, 12 Sanderling, c.30 House Sparrow, c.20 Redshank. 1 Common Seal. David & Brenda Hale.

Fobbing Marsh/Coryton 13:05 to 16:20
1 Snow Goose (the so-called "plastic" one, back with a flock of distant Canada Geese), 1 Goldcrest, 40+ Avocet, 3 Pintail on Holehaven Creek, 100+ Wigeon, 3 Gadwall, 200+ Teal, 20+ Shoveler on Holehaven Creek, 1 Little Egret, a few Redwing, 30+ Fieldfare, 3 Snipe, 2 Sparrowhawk, 1 Green Woodpecker. Richard Fahey.

Wat Tyler Country Park, 13:15 to 13:30
1 female Marsh Harrier, 1 Caspian Gull (the 2nd winter bird again present). Steve Arlow (SOG, www.birdersplayground.co.uk).

RSPB Vange Marsh, 13:55 to 14:30
1 Sanderling feeding along the edge of the ice, 1 Yellow-legged Gull (1st winter), 2 Rock Pipit. Steve Arlow (SOG, www.birdersplayground.co.uk).

Rawreth Lane, Rayleigh 14:00
12 Waxwing on oak tree at back entrance Lubards Farm. Hilary Knight.

Hadleigh Downs 14:00
Jack Snipe flushed, great sight of male Sparrowhawk making a kill no more than ten feet away, 2 Green Woodpecker at the foot of Belton Way. Dave and Rachael Simpson.

Chelmsford, Baddow Meads 14:00
2 redhead Smew on river Chelmer by Moulsham Mill. Paul Forsdick.

Southend Pier 14:00
Turnstone, 2 Guillemot very close to pier head, Kittiwake. Sanderling on foreshore. Emily Broad.

Shoebury East Beach, 14:15 to 14:45
1 Great Crested Grebe, 1 immature Shag feeding by north east side of boom, then moved round the corner on ebbing tide and lost to view, 2 Little Egret, 2 Greylag Goose flew south west offshore, 100 Bar-tailed Godwit. Neil Chambers (SOG).

EWT Thurrock Thameside and Pitsea 14:30 to 14:55
4 Stonechat (2 male, 2 female), 1 Water Rail. Aldi, Pitsea: 150+ Waxwing as you pull into car park, all flew of over Chalvendon School. Jim and Lin Bailey.

Hanningfield Reservoir 14:30 to 16:15
50+ Mallard, 200+ Tufted Duck, Chaffinch, 10 Moorhen, 100+ Black-headed Gull, Blue Tit, Great Tit, 50+ Cormorant, 100+ Great Black-backed Gull, 20+ Carrion Crow, Robin, 3 Long-tailed Tit, 100+ Canada Goose, 40+ Lapwing, 50+ Wigeon, 4 Pochard, 5 Magpie, 3 Great Crested Grebe, 300+ Coot, 3 Gadwall, 10+ Teal, 50+ Herring Gull, 20+ Lesser Black-backed Gull, Grey Heron, Blackbird, 5+ Goldcrest, 1 Firecrest, 25+ Wood Pigeon. Ben M.

RSPB Wallasea Island, 14:30 to 16:30
Watching from car park and white gate: 1 Marsh Harrier distant over Paglesham, 2 Hen Harrier (ringtail and male), 2 Sparrowhawk (male hunting wild bird cover, later soaring with female over Burnham), 2 Kestrel, 1 female Merlin over wbc, 1 Barn Owl, 30+ Skylark, c.200 Fieldfare flying around having been flushed from stubble field, 70+ Linnet, 3 male Yellowhammer in hedgerow, 30+ Reed Bunting, 210+ Corn Bunting (170 in trees by Grapnells, 40+ around wbc). Jeff Delve (SOG).

Tennyson Close, Leigh, 15:00 to 15:05
1 Mistle Thrush. Mike Clarke  (SOG).

Paglesham Lagoon 15:00 to 16:30
1 Buzzard, 1 Scaup, 12 Pintail, 10 Goldeneye, 22 Mute Swan. Richard Mander.

Paglesham Church End 15:00 to 16:40
Flock of over 100 Fieldfare feeding on field beside road Back of Ingulfs Farm. John Carson.

Westcliff Seafront, 15:05 to 15:55
1 adult Mediterranean Gull. 6 Common Seal on sandbank. Neil Chambers (SOG).

Stambridge, 15:15
1 Buzzard being mobbed over fields near Cherry Tree Pub. Steve Arlow (SOG, www.birdersplayground.co.uk).

Paglesham, Sewage Works 15:20 to 15:50
1 Buzzard hunting fields to the east, 1 Kestrel, 2 Snipe flushed from reservoir edge, 1 Barn Owl, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Skylark, 1 Meadow Pipit. Paul Baker (SOG).

Stambridge, 15:30 to 17:00
1 Buzzard being mobbed over fields near the Cherry Tree Pub. Steve Arlow, Paul Griggs, Don Petrie (SOG).

Abberton Reservoir 16:00 to 17:10
20+ Herring Gull, 40+ Black-headed Gull, 5 Great Black-backed Gull, 70+ Pochard, 100+ Tufted Duck, 100+ Mallard, 35+ Greylag Geese, 26+ Canada Geese, 50+ Coot, 24+ Mute Swan, 1 Swan Goose, 24 Moorhen, 2 Aylesbury Duck, 8 Pied Wagtail, 30 Carrion Crow, 7 Magpie, 100+ Starling, 200+ Wood Pigeon, 2 Kestrel, 2 Bittern, 2 Grey Heron, 1 Sparrowhawk, A number of white/Grey Hybrid Greylag Geese and Duck. Rob Harris.

Friday 25th January 2013north easterly, mostly cloudy, max2°c    

Falstones, Near Yardley Path, Lee Chapel North, Basildon 08:00 to 09:00
30 Waxwing. Vince Briggs.

Leigh on Sea, Tankerville Drive 09:00 to 09:10
5 Siskin still in tree by brook and drinking in brook between Tankerville and Flemming. Vince Kinsler (SOG).

River Chelmer, Chelmsford 09:00 to 09:25
14 Goosander on river by Springfield Lock, 5 Little Grebe, 1 kingfisher, 2 Redhead Smew by automatic weir and moved up river. Joe.

Keswick Avenue, Hullbridge 09:30
3 Song Thrush, 6 Greenfinch, 2 Goldfinch, 4 Chaffinch, 8 Blackbird, 5 Starling. 1 Fox. Colin Knight.

Shoebury, Campfield Road, 09:40
15+ Waxwing in trees at the entrance to the old computer centre, but flew south and were not relocated. Don Petrie, Richard Howard, John Wright (SOG).

Canvey Lake 10:00 to 11:20
1 drake Mandarin Duck still near the bridge, 1 Water Rail seen from the wooden jetty half way towards high street feeding on newly dredged silt. Clare and Eddie.

Shoebury East Beach, 10:15 to 11:15
2 Eider (ducks near the boom), 4 Common Scoter flew west, 2 Red-throated Diver, 1 immature Shag feeding at south west end of beach, then flew to the boom, 1 Peregrine Falcon. Don Petrie, Richard Howard, John Wright (SOG).

Southend Seafront 11:00
2 immature Shag near Kursaal and 2 Cormorant all on wooden posts, c.35 Sanderling, 12 Brent Geese. Andrew Gouldstone.

Private Land Near Crays Hill 11:15
14 Magpie, 1 male Bullfinch, 1 Song Thrush. G. Dixon.

Rayleigh, Philbrick Crescent East 11:15
28 Waxwing, 10 Fieldfare. Colin Knight.

Shoebury, Friars Park, 11:25 to 11:45
2 drake Mandarin Duck on the east of the eastern island, 1 female Great Spotted Woodpecker. Don Petrie, Richard Howard, John Wright (SOG).

Maldon 11:30
1 Song Thrush wandering on back lawn and around rockery, under bushes, sat on fence before flying off. Christine Palin.

Baddow Meads, Chelmsford 11:30 to 14:00
2 red head Smew on river by Moulsham Mill, 8 Goosander, 2 Little Grebe, 2 Gadwall, 1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Common Gull, 2 Mallard, 2 Mute Swan, 1 Fieldfare, many Black-headed Gull, Moorhen, large flock of Starling, flock of Feral Pigeon, Carrion Crow, many Magpie. Paul Forsdick.

Dedham, Colchester 12:00
Albino Jackdaw seen as one of a pair (the other perfectly normal) - on roof of house opposite mine in central Dedham. Both appeared to be very matey and flew off to the south. Jack Phillips.

Daiglen Drive and Broxburn Drive, South Ockendon 12:00
20+ Waxwing have been in the area for the last three days at least. Mark & Jim.

Thurrock Thameside 12:00 to 12:15
1 Buzzard, 2 Water Rail, 1 Kestrel, 1 Peregrine Falcon on first crane facing car park. Jim Bailey.

Paglesham Lagoon, 12:50 to 15:00
Walked from sewage works entrance: 49 Mute Swan, c.20 Pintail, 1 Scaup (1stW drake still present), 10+ Goldeneye, 3 Red-breasted Merganser (2 drakes and a duck), 1 Kestrel, c.20 Avocet, 1 Jack Snipe flushed from ditch 100m north of sewage works road junction with Paglesham Road, 1 Woodcock from ditch 200m west of lagoon, 2 Chiffchaff (with LT Tits), 4 Goldcrest. Don Petrie, Richard Howard, John Wright (SOG).

Paglesham Eastend, 13:00 to 14:45
44 Little Grebe between boatyard and Paglesham Lagoon, 9 Red-breasted Merganser (including 4 drakes between boatyard and Paglesham Lagoon), 4 Avocet, 1 Jack Snipe flushed and then landed on far east edge, 4 Snipe in small reservoir north of sewage works, 28 Bar-tailed Godwit, 2 Rock Pipit at boatyard, 1 Yellowhammer 50m west of boatyard. Vince Kinsler (SOG).

Wat Tyler Country Park 13:15 to 14:20
Scrape: 1 Water Rail briefly, 1 Kestrel, 1 Bittern at 14:05 flew from left landed to the right of causeway in front of the hide. On the way home: 1 Sparrowhawk on railings by Northlands Park. Jim Bailey.

Rayleigh, Philbrick Crescent East 15:15 to 15:30
6 Waxwing on TV aerial, 6+ Fieldfare. Peter and Margaret Norgate.

RSPB Wallasea Island, 15:15 to 16:15
From the white gate: 2 Little Egret, 1 male Marsh Harrier, 3 Hen Harrier (male and 2 ringtails), 1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Kestrel, 5 Stock Dove, 5+ Yellowhammer in hedge before white gate, c.200 Corn Bunting. Don Petrie, Richard Howard, John Wright (SOG).

RSPB Wallasea Island 15:30 to 16:40
5 Magpie, 30+ Carrion Crow, 15 Black-headed Gull, 7 Skylark, 1 Reed Bunting, 200+ Corn Bunting, 60+ Lapwing, 1 Blackbird, 4 House Sparrow, 3 Curlew, 40 Grey Plover, 80+ Dunlin, 37 Redshank, 30+ Wood Pigeon, 30+ Stock Dove, 12 Fieldfare, 1 Barn Owl, 2 Kestrel, 3 Hen Harrier (2 ringtail, 1 male), 30+ Linnet. Rob Harris.

Basildon, Great Knightleys 16:00 to 16:15
20+ Waxwing on trees and bushes opposite Little Lullaway turning. Jane Hale.

Maldon Road, Witham 16:10
20 Waxwing sat on telephone wires along Maldon Road. Christine Palin.

Hadleigh Downs, 17:00 to 17:20
1 Woodcock flew around top field near Chapel Lane. Don Petrie, Richard Howard, John Wright (SOG).

Thursday 24th January 2013north north easterly, mostly cloudy, max2°c    

Coombe Wood, 07:15
1 Woodcock flying over gardens on north east side at first light. Jeff Saward (SOG).

Leigh on Sea, Lansdowne Avenue 08:00 to 16:00
1 Fieldfare feeding on apples all day. Matt Bruty (SOG).

Rayleigh, 08:10 to 08:15
45 Waxwing (c40 on wires and a few more on berry bush, Philbrick Crescent East by Glebe School entrance), 15 Fieldfare. Neil Chambers (SOG).

Lion Creek, 10:45 to 11:25
5 Little Egret, 7 Bewick's Swan (still present), 1 Kingfisher on a post in the creek left of the second 'Lion Creek' sign as you walk from the road, 160 Fieldfare, 2 Reed Bunting. Vince Kinsler (SOG).

Lubards Farm 11:00
Grey Wagtail. Hilary Knight.

RSPB Wallasea Island, 11:30 to 11:40
2 Yellowhammer (pair), 2 Reed Bunting, 120 Corn Bunting (all buntings in bushes by white gate). Vince Kinsler (SOG).

Benfleet, 12:00 to 12:25
40 Waxwing in bushes near the top of Thundersley Park Road. Jeff Saward (SOG).

Benfleet, Gifford Road 14:00 to 16:00
52 Waxwing in trees, on wires, on cotoneaster bush. M. Hayday.

RSPB Wallasea Island 14:30 to 15:00
5 Magpie, 30+ Carrion Crow, 10 Black-headed Gull, 2 Reed Bunting, 200+ Corn Bunting, 40+ Lapwing, 1 Blackbird. Rob Harris.

Prittlewell, Oakengrange Drive 15:00 to 15:40
c.250 Fieldfare very mobile between selected cotoneaster trees, 6 Redwing, 15 Blackbird. David Selley.

Prittlewell, Oakengrange Drive 16:30
c.200 Fieldfare in trees and gardens. Dave Gonning.

Wednesday 23rd January 2013easterly, mostly cloudy, max3°c    

Southend, North Avenue 08:00
Grey Heron flying over south east to north west. S. Jackson.

Chelmsford, Springfield Lock 08:00 to 08:15
8 Goosander (6 on river by Springfield lock, then moved up towards the Automatic weir, 2 flew over the Lock area), 4 Little Grebe, 1 Cormorant, 10+ Fieldfare. Joe.

Southchurch Park East 08:30
A few Fieldfare still present at west end of pond around Rowanberry Tree. Robert Dobinson.

Rayleigh, 08:30 to 08:45
32 Waxwing at the entrance to Glebe School in Philbrick Crescent East, on wires and cotoneaster bushes, 1 Fieldfare. Richard Howard (SOG).

Chalkwell Park Drive, Leigh, 08:30 to 09:30
1 Fieldfare and 1 Blackcap on apple halves. John Wright (SOG).

Fobbing Marsh/Coryton 10:00 to 13:05
pair of Peregrine Falcon flew over Holehaven Creek and seawall, Water Rail heard behind fence below seawall, 40+ Avocet, 1 Green Sandpiper, c.5 Pintail on Holehaven Creek, 20+ Wigeon, 250+ Teal, 30+ Shoveler on Holehaven Creek, 1 Little Egret, a few Redwing, 40+ Fieldfare, 30+ Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Snipe, 1 Sparrowhawk, 20+ Stock Dove. Richard Fahey.

Two Tree Island 10:30 to 14;00
Brent Goose, Sanderling, Turnstone, Oystercatcher, Lapwing, Redshank, Knot, Curlew, Shoveler, Dunlin, Shelduck, Wigeon, Avocet, Golden Plover, Common Snipe, Grey Plover. S. Jackson & M. Hill.

Lower Raypits, 11:30 to 12:30
29 Mute Swan, 7 Bewick's Swan (adults still with the Mute Swans), 1 Kestrel, 1 Snipe, 30 Fieldfare. John Wright (SOG).

Wat Tyler Country Park 11:30 to 15:30
1 Caspian Gull still roosting on ice, 3 adult Great Black-backed Gull with 3 juveniles, 1 Common Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Herring Gull, Black-headed Gull, 2 Water Rail, 1 Snow Goose with 12 Canada Geese over scrape, c.100 Canada Geese on scrape, c.50 Greylag Geese, 1 Peregrine Falcon, 1 Kestrel, 1 female Marsh Harrier, 2 pair Shoveler, Gadwall, Mallard, 10 Lapwing, 1 Grey Plover, c.50 Stock Dove, c.50 Fieldfare, 1 Grey Heron, 1 Little Grebe, 1 Wren, 1 Pied Wagtail, 1 Snipe, 2 Goldfinch, 2 Robin. 2 Fox. David & Brenda Hale.

Lion Creek, 12:30 to 13:00
1 immature male Marsh Harrier flew over heading in the direction of Wallasea. John Wright (SOG).

RSPB Wallasea Island, 13:10 to 13:25
Just the white gate area: 12 Yellowhammer on hedge before white gate, 5 Reed Bunting, c.500 Corn Bunting on wild bird cover. John Wright (SOG).

Leigh on Sea, Park View Drive 13:30
Fieldfare on apples in garden. Kris Mee.

Hanningfield Reservoir 14:00 to 14:30
150+ Black-headed Gull, 15 Great Black-backed Gull, 100+ Mallard, 180+ Tufted Duck, 150+ Pochard, 1 Goldeneye, 100+ Coot, 200+ Canada Geese, 100+ Greylag Geese, 5 Moorhen, 14 Magpie, 1 Pied Wagtail, 40+ Carrion Crow, 1 Robin, 2 Blue Tit, 5 Blackbird, 1 Jay, 1 Green Woodpecker. Rob Harris.

Rayleigh, 14:35 to 14:45
27+ Waxwing on television aerials in Philbrick Crescent East, feeding on berries near the school entrance, 10 Fieldfare also feeding on the waxwing berries. Don Petrie (SOG).

Hockley Woods, 15:00 to 16:40
3 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 8 Goldcrest (seem to be paired up), 1 Nuthatch seen at north end of the glade but not calling. Don Petrie (SOG).

Maldon, Washington Road 15:30
20 Waxwing on telephone wires. Christine Palin.

North Crescent, Southend 16:00
5 Fieldfare in garden on berries (2 yesterday, a first sighting) along with 1 Song Thrush ground feeding - the first seen in a long while here. David Griffiths.

Hadleigh Downs, 16:45
1 Tawny Owl heard once. John Wright (SOG).

Tuesday 22nd January 2013easterly, partly cloudy, max3°c    

Chalkwell Park Drive, Leigh, 07:50 to 16:25
3 Fieldfare (one around the garden most of the day the other two flew off early), 1 male Blackcap again around the garden most of the day. John Wright (SOG).

Shoebury East Beach, 08:15 to 08:50
1 immature Shag, 1 Little Egret (heard), 1 Green Woodpecker. Paul Griggs, Neil Chambers (SOG).

Southchurch Park East 08:45
2 Fieldfare at west end of pond left of sluice gates, across and under/on Rowanberry tree, to tree left of Kingfisher stick, both scrapping in the snow and chasing each other. Robert Dobinson.

Shoebury, Friars Park, 08:55 to 09:15
1 drake Mandarin Duck on east end of east island. Paul Griggs (SOG).

Chelmsford. By Essex Records Office 10:00 to 10:15
4 Goosander by automatic weir, 1 Grey Heron, 10 Fieldfare, 1 Kestrel, 1 Cormorant, 1 Corn Bunting. Joe.

Wat Tyler Country Park, 10:00 to 12:00
Scrape hide: 1 male Marsh Harrier flew over scrape, 1 Kestrel, 1 Water Rail in front of the hide, 1 Snipe, 1 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 adult Mediterranean Gull, 1 Caspian Gull (2nd winter still present on the scrape, mainly standing on the ice, 11:35 up until I left), 1 Cetti's Warbler (heard), 1 Bearded Tit (heard). John Wright (SOG).

North Crescent, Southend 10:15 to 11:00
2 Fieldfare, 3 Robin, 2 Blackbird, 2 Great Tit, 3 Blue Tit, 11 House Sparrow, 1 Dunnock, 4 Collared Dove, 1 female Greenfinch in garden. David Griffiths.

Blake Hall Drive, Wickford, 11:00
40+ Waxwing. David Hope.

Southend Hospital, 11:00 to 11:10
1 large female Sparrowhawk on top of west edge of tower. Vince Kinsler (SOG).

Southend, Wyatts Drive 11:21
9 Mute Swan flew over Wyatts Drive heading South. Alec Beanse.

Rayleigh, Daws Heath Road 11:45 to 12:00
25 Fieldfare in back garden. Peter and Margaret Norgate.

Coombe Wood Westerleigh Heights 12:00 to 14:30
1 Woodcock, 2 Nuthatch, 1 Goldcrest, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 20+ Jackdaw, 10 Carrion Crow, 2 Redwing, 40 Wood Pigeon, 1 Stock Dove. G. Dixon.

Wat Tyler Country Park, 12:20 to 13:30
Scrape hide, then the marina: 1 Snow Goose (the presumed 'plastic' bird with the Canada on Vange Wick), 4 Black-tailed Godwit and 3 Spotted Redshank in the creek at the marina, 1 Caspian Gull (the 2ndW still on the ice at the scrape until at least 12:55). Don Petrie (SOG).

EWT Warley Place 12:20 to 15:45
4 Nuthatch, 2 Coal Tit, 1 Wren, 6 Redwing, c.20 Goldfinch, c.20 Jackdaw, 1 Dunnock, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Chaffinch, 1 Sparrowhawk, 10 Long-tailed Tit, 1 Cock Pheasant. David & Brenda Hale.

Wat Tyler Country Park 12:30 to 14:00
1 2nd Winter Caspian Gull on the scrape, 1 Marsh Harrier flying over the scrape, Long-eared Owl in the Park. David Lee.

RSPB Wallasea Island 13:00 to 14:30
1 Green Woodpecker, 5 Meadow Pipit, 2 Blackbird, 1 Dunnock, 5 House Sparrow, 50+ Linnet, 12 Chaffinch, 1 Stonechat, 2 Blue Tit, 1 Robin, 2 Song Thrush, 15 Fieldfare, 15 Skylark, 8 Yellowhammer, 200+ Corn Bunting, 9 Reed Bunting, 7 Magpie, 16 Carrion Crow, 60+ Woodpigeon, 200+ Stock Dove, 2 Mallard, 40+ Redshank, 50+ Grey Plover, 60+ Lapwing, 100+ Dunlin, 30+ Black-headed Gull, 9 Moorhen. Rob Harris.

Billericay 14:25 to 15:20
Green Woodpecker, Wren, male Blackcap on my feeders. Chris Henry.

Leigh on Sea, Park View Drive 17:01 to 17:05
Fieldfare (1st garden record) eating apple on lawn almost in the dark! Kris Mee, Web Author.

Monday 21st January 2013variable, mostly cloudy, max1°c    

Wat Tyler Country Park 08:30 to 13:00
1 Grey Plover and 10+ Teal in creek by marina. 20+ Fieldfare around, some just flying over. On Timbermans Creek at 1pm a Ruff and 20+ Teal. Neil P.

Ashingdon, Princess Gardens 08:45
20 Fieldfare arrived in garden. David Selley.

Eastwood, 09:00
35 Fieldfare flew west. Paul Baker (SOG).

Chalkwell Park Drive, Leigh, 09:00 to 16:15
1 Fieldfare eating apples, 6 Redwing flew over, 1 male Blackcap in garden most of day eating halved apples, 1 Goldcrest, 2 Chaffinch. John Wright (SOG).

Rayleigh, Fairland Close 11:50
Female Great Spotted Woodpecker eating sunflower hearts on ground feeder. John Atfield.

Canvey Lake 12:00 to 14:30
1 drake Mandarin still present near bridge on Canvey Lake. Clare and Eddie Smith.

Applerow, Eastwood, 12:20
1 Sparrowhawk. Paul Baker (SOG).

Wat Tyler Country Park 13:30 to 16:00
Sightings from scrape hide: 1 Bittern flew from far left of hide dropping into reeds on other side of road, 4 Water Rail (very mobile birds for duration, due to fox hunting iced reed beds), 1 Caspian Gull, 3 Great Black-backed Gull, 1 Green Woodpecker, 1 Redwing, 3 Fieldfare, 1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Wren, 8 Stock Dove, 3 pairs Wigeon, Gadwall, Mallard, 3 Mute Swan, 4 male Blackbird, 2 Jackdaw, 2 Dunnock. David & Brenda Hale.

Two Tree Island West 13:30 to 17:00
2 Water Rail feeding around edge of the pool to the left of bridge before you cross onto island. Western lagoon: 8 Avocet, 12 Snipe, 1 Greenshank, c.80 Linnet, 770 Brent Geese feeding in fields, 11 Skylark, 4 Corn Bunting. Andrew Gouldstone.

Hadleigh Downs, 14:30 to 16:00
1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Water Rail, 2 Woodcock (flushed by Steve Bunn year listing), 4 Goldfinch, 2 Bullfinch. Andrew Woodhouse (SOG).

Leigh on Sea, Lansdowne Avenue 14:50 to 15:00
2 Fieldfare in my neighbour's garden. Matt Bruty (SOG).

Canvey Island, 15:05 to 15:10
43 Fieldfare and 3 Redwing south over Charfleets. Graham Ryland (SOG).

Glasseys Lane, Rayleigh 15:20 and again 15:45
Male Blackcap feeding on an apple on our feeder station. P. Bowden.

Abberton Reservoir 15:30 to 15:40
1 Greater Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Green Woodpecker, 3 Blackbird, 40+ Teal, 30+ Coot, 4 Moorhen, 50+ Mute Swan, 50+ Herring Gull, 100+ Black-headed Gull, 5 Great Black-backed Gull, 70+ Pochard, 100+ Tufted Duck, 1 Swan Goose, 40+ Greylag Geese, 60+ Canada Geese, 2 White-fronted Geese, 2 Aylesbury Duck, 30+ Teal, 3 Pied Wagtail, 40+ Carrion Crow, 7 Magpie, 100+ Wood Pigeon, Rob Harris.

Private Land Near Crays Hill 16:20
10 Waxwing in dead tree, dropped into nearby bushes to roost. G. Dixon.

Wickford, Nevendon Road Area 16:40 to 16:45
3 Redwing in garden. Rob Harris.

Sunday 20th January 2013northerly, snow, max0°c    

Southchurch Park 08:45
3 Turnstones, all moving/foraging around pond perimeters. Robert Dobinson.

Ashingdon 08:50 to 09:40
Male Sparrowhawk and male Blackcap in garden. Steve Sanford (SOG).

Grounds of Southend Girls High School 09:00
2 Lapwing. Betty.

Coombe Wood, Langdon Hills 09:00 to 11:00
1 Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, 4 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Green Woodpecker, 2 Nuthatch, 1 Goldcrest. Vince Briggs.

Canewdon, 09:30 to 11:00
7 Bewick's Swan with the Mute Swan flock seen distantly in blizzard from Raypits. Steve Arlow (SOG, www.birdersplayground.co.uk).

Leigh on Sea, Stonehill Road 09:30 to 16:00
Fieldfare in garden all day guarding fruit, 6+ Long-tailed Tit on fat ball, Song Thrush, 4 Blackbird, Mistle Thrush, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, many Goldfinch, Dunnock, numerous Starling and Sparrow, plus the usual Robin. No sign of our regular Great Spotted Woodpecker today. Laurie Greenwood.

RSPB Wallasea Island, 11:05
3 Yellowhammer in bushes beside road/track to white gate. Steve Arlow (SOG, www.birdersplayground.co.uk).

Leigh on Sea, Lansdowne Avenue, 11:25
3 Fieldfare stopped in my beech tree briefly. Matt Bruty (SOG).

Lower Raypits, 11:30 to 12:45
1 Little Egret, 7 adult Bewick's Swan (only viewable from Crouch seawall, not viewable from Lion Creek hide or Canewdon), 120 Dark-bellied Brent Goose (several flocks all flying east), 5 Snipe flushed from borrowdykes, 2 Skylark, 4 Meadow Pipit, c.100 Fieldfare, 3 Redwing, 4 Reed Bunting. Paul Baker (SOG).

Thorpe Bay 11:34
Fieldfare in garden. Maggie Davis.

Shoebury Avenue, Shoeburyness 12:00 to 13:00
3 Goldfinch, 8 Chaffinch, 3 Greenfinch, Robin, Dunnock, 3 Wood Pigeon, 2 Great Tit, Blue Tit, 8 Starling, 5 House Sparrow, 2 Collared Dove. Steve Day.

Greenwood Avenue, South Benfleet 13:00
15 - 20 Fieldfare in back garden. Had hoped to see the Siskins in Leigh today, but snowed off. Instead treated to a garden first as a flock of fieldfare are busy stripping my holly bush and cotoneaster! Tim Bennett.

RSPB Wallasea Island, 13:00 to 14:00
Walked sea wall to conveyor: 2 Snipe flushed from borrowdyke vegetation near conveyor, 8 Black-tailed Godwit flew in from south, the first ones for several weeks, 1 Green Sandpiper flew from borrow dyke into creek on mudflats, 22 Skylark (all in one flock over saltmarsh), 6 Meadow Pipit feeding on saltmarsh edge, 20+ Fieldfare feeding along base of sea wall, 2 Redwing, 8 Goldfinch feeding on thistle heads - not on a niger feeder, 75 Linnet, 1 male Yellowhammer in hedgeline by farm, 120+ Corn Bunting (wild bird cover). Jeff Delve (SOG).

Southend, Wyatts Drive 13:30
Fieldfare in garden. Alec Beanse.

Chalkwell Park Drive, Leigh, 14:20 to 14:30
1 male Blackcap in garden. John Wright (SOG).

Manchester Drive allotments, 14:30
1 Great Spotted Woodpecker. Matt Bruty (SOG).

Chelmsford, Admiral's Park, 14:30 to 14:45
1 Snipe flushed in front of me as I was walking along the river, 2 Little Egret in the stretch of the river by the fields near the small lake. Joe.

Woodford Green, Greenstead Avenue, 15:15
14 Waxwing feeding on cotoneaster berries. Sue Strangleman.

Shoebury East Beach, 15:25 to 16:35
7 Bewick's Swan (2 adults, 5 juveniles at Rampart Street end on the sea. First seen at 16.10 they then drifted east in the nearest channel of deeper water to the beach on the incoming tide. Lost in the murk after 16.25), 14 Dark-bellied Brent Goose, 1 Golden Plover flew off the beach, c.700 Knot, 9 Sanderling, 120+ Bar-tailed Godwit, 2 Meadow Pipit. Marc Outten (SOG).

Garons Golf Course 15:40
3 Woodcock flushed from ditches whilst walking dog. Don Wildish.

Southend Hospital 16:00
Peregrine Falcon on west side of hospital chimney. Pat Dandridge.

Runwell 20:30
A Woodcock sitting very still in our garden. Its long beak clearly visible against the snow. Sue Braham.

Saturday 19th January 2013east north east, overcast, max1°c    

Woodlands Road Hockley 08:00
1 Grey Heron circled garden and landed on garden shed roof. David Z.

South Fambridge, 08:45 to 10:05
20+ Greylag Goose (BHF), 100+ Canada Goose (BHF), 12 Golden Plover (including c.10 over BHF), 1 Snipe (flushed from seawall), 2 Skylark, 4 Meadow Pipit, 1 Fieldfare. Neil Chambers (SOG).

Rayleigh 09:00 to 10:10
20 Waxwing seen on BT lines at corner of Glebe Drive and Philbrick Crescent East. To our delight they took it in turn, in small numbers, to continually visit a small Cotoneaster horizontalis for the berries. Delightful scene from our kitchen window. Have seen Waxwings in Creswick Avenue in previous years but not as close as today. J.R. Miller.

RSPB Wallasea Island, 10:00 to 11:00
1 Merlin (high over WBC), 300 Golden Plover, 1200 Lapwing (good flocks on fields and near breaches), 700 Dunlin, 370+ Stock Dove (huge influx, on wires a field to west of WBC), 150+ Fieldfare (flock over west 120+ and many along sea wall and in WBC), 2 Redwing (along sea wall), 70+ Linnet (over rough grassland), 3 male Yellowhammer in bushes near farm, 350+ Corn Bunting (significant increase over WBC). Jeff Delve (SOG).

West Mersea 10:00 to 13:00
100+ Dunlin, 150+ Brent Geese, 70+ Wigeon, 12 Curlew, 11 Lapwing, 8 Shelduck, 54 Little Grebe, 22 Oystercatcher, 4 Turnstone, 52 Red-breasted Merganser, 3 Sanderling, 3 Mute Swan. Stacey Belbin.

Parkanaur Avenue, Thorpe Bay 10:30
1 male Blackcap on ground feeder in our garden. Ian Smith.

Wat Tyler Country Park 11:40 to 14:30
Sightings from scrape hide: 1 Caspian Gull, 1 Mediterranean Gull, Common, Gull, Black-headed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Herring Gull, 2 Wren, 1 Water Rail, c.50 Stock Dove, 1 female Marsh Harrier, c.20 Fieldfare, 1 Kestrel, c.20 Wigeon, 10 Gadwall, 2 Snipe, c.50 Lapwing, 100+ Starling, 1 Fox.. Also; 3 Blue Tit eggs in hide nest box! Entire length of Fleet frozen and 90% of scrape frozen. 1°c in hide. David Hale.

Canvey Lake 11:41
1 Mandarin Duck, Mallard, Lynne.

Hanningfield Reservoir 11:45 to 15:00
40+ Mallard, 100+ Tufted Duck, Chaffinch, Blue Tit, Great Tit, 400+ Black-headed Gull, Robin, Moorhen, Great Crested Grebe, Magpie, Carrion Crow, 4 Pochard, Woodpigeon, 2 Dunnock, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Blackbird, 150+ Canada Goose, 50+ Greylag Goose, 20+ Goldcrest (some coming into Rawl Hide!) 100+ Coot, 20+ Goldeneye, 30+ Gadwall, 30+ Teal, 3 Shoveler, Cormorant, 5 Lesser Black Backed Gull, 20+ Great Black Backed Gull, Stock Dove, Pheasant, Little Grebe. Ben M.

Lower Raypits, 11:50 to 12:00
Looking from back of Butts Hill Pond - distant and poor light: 30 Mute Swan (on fields just south west of L. Raypits reserve), 4 Bewick's Swan (at least 4 smaller straight necked swans amongst Mute flock). Jeff Delve (SOG).

Leigh on Sea, Tankerville Drive 12:15 to 12:20
10 Siskin in tree by brook. Lee Ebbs (SOG).

Lower Raypits, 12:50 to 14:30
Viewed from Lion Creek: 33 Mute Swan, 7 adult Bewick's Swan with the mute flock. Don Petrie (SOG).

Tennyson Close, Leigh, 13:00 to 13:05
1 Grey Heron, 1 Sparrowhawk. Mike Clarke (SOG).

Wat Tyler Country Park, 13:30 to 14:00
1 Caspian Gull (2nd winter on scrape from main hide), 1 Cetti's Warbler (heard). Steve Arlow (SOG, www.birdersplayground.co.uk).

Lower Raypits, 13:45 to 14:30
33 Mute Swan, 7 Bewick's Swan (adults with Mute Swan herd), 1 Meadow Pipit, 20+ Fieldfare, 1 Reed Bunting. Neil Chambers (SOG)

Wakering Stairs, 14:00 to 14:30
2 Kestrel, 10 Ringed Plover, 50 Dunlin, 1 Snipe, 3 Fieldfare. Lee Ebbs (SOG).

Lower Raypits, 14:15 to 14:50
7 Bewick's Swan (with mutes). John Wright (SOG).

Canvey Point, 14:30 to 15:30
5 Red-throated Diver, 5 Great Crested Grebe, 1 Slavonian Grebe seen several time very briefly and distantly, 1 Gavia sp. (possible Black-throated Diver but seen to poorly in murk). Steve Arlow (SOG, www.birdersplayground.co.uk).

RSPB Wallasea Island, 15:00 to 16:30
Wetlands on rising tide and Paglesham Creek: 3 Red-breasted Merganser (2 males + female along Paglesham Creek), 7 Avocet (4 on wetlands by car park, 3 along Paglesham Creek), 10 Grey Plover (salt marsh by car park). Jeff Delve (SOG).

Wat Tyler Country Park, 15:10 to 15:20
1 Caspian Gull (2'w), 1 Cetti's Warbler. Neil Chambers (SOG).

Southend Pier 15:30 to 16:30
8 Guillemot, 5 Great Crested Grebe, 1 Red Throated Diver, 60 Turnstone, 12 Mediterranean Gull, 200 Oystercatcher (two large flocks flew over). 4 Common Seal, 1 Grey Seal. Richard Mander.

Friday 18th January 2013south easterly, mostly cloudy, max1°c    

Leigh on Sea, Tankerville Drive 09:00 to 09:10
15 Siskin still in tree by brook. Vince Kinsler (SOG).

Brightside Primary School, Billericay 11:00 to 15:00
3 Robin, 2 Carrion Crow, 15+ Woodpigeon, 2 Black-headed Gull, 1 Blackbird. Ben M.

Asquith Gardens, Thundersley 12:15
4 Redwing in garden sitting on back fence, which is covered with a large clematis. The clematis has pockets of snow which they were eating. Steve Simmons.

Hanningfield Reservoir 13:30 to 14:00
50+ Black-headed Gull, 2 Great Black-backed Gull, 30+ Mallard, 40+ Tufted Duck, 60+ Pochard, 4 Shoveler, 17 Cormorant, 26 Coot, 30+ Canada Geese, 18 Greylag Geese, 3 Moorhen, 4 Magpie, 1 Pied Wagtail, 12 Carrion Crow, 1 Robin, 2 Blue Tit, 2 Blackbird. Rob Harris.

Shoebury East Beach, 15:30 to 16:30
2 female Eider around the boom throughout, 14 Sanderling, 1 Mediterranean Gull, 1 Rock Pipit flew over calling. Paul Baker, Neil Chambers (SOG).

Shoebury East Beach, 15:50 to 16:10
1 Shag still on west side of boom, 5 Sanderling, 14 Turnstone. Sally Brierley (SOG).

Shoebury, Friars Park, 16:20 to 16:35
3 drake Mandarin Duck at the back of the second island. Sally Brierley (SOG).

Thursday 17th January 2013variable, partly cloudy, max4°c    

Wickford, Shotgate Shops, 08:30
50+ Waxwing around Bruce Grove area, near Shotgate mini roundabout. Great sightings, very close. Helen.

Hullbridge 09:00 to 15:30
14 Blackbird feeding in my small garden! Hilary Knight.

RSPB Vange Marsh, 10:00 to 10:30
Abstraction ditch: 2 Water Rail, 2 Snipe, 1 Green Sandpiper, 1 Water Pipit, 1 Cetti's Warbler. Vince Kinsler (SOG).

Hanningfield Reservoir Causeway 12:00 to 12:45
250+ Black-headed Gull, 11 Great Black-backed Gull, 150+ Herring Gull, 2 lesser Black-backed Gull, 100+ Mallard, 12 Common Gull, 2 Goldeneye, 100+ Tufted Duck, 60+ Pochard, 150+ Wigeon, 2 Shoveler, 15 Cormorant, 12 Coot, 6 Mute Swan, 150+ Canada Geese, 170+ Greylag Geese, 9 Barnacle Geese, 4 Grey Heron, 5 Magpie, 1 Pied Wagtail, 20+ Carrion Crow. Rob Harris.

Rayleigh, Grove Woods 12:30
1 Little Egret flying east along line of stream by allotments. Tina James.

Southchurch Park East 12:45
1 Common Snipe flew from bottom edge of Low Reed bed (SSW) to mouth of unfrozen of freshwater brook (NE). I watched it from some distance for a good 10 minutes. Robert Dobinson.

South Fambridge, 13:15 to 15:15
1 White-fronted Goose with Greylags on Blue-house Farm, seen when the Greylag flock flew between fields, c.600 Dark-bellied Brent Goose, 40+ Pintail at start of Bridgemarsh Island, 5 Tufted Duck, 12 Great Crested Grebe, 3 Skylark along the salt marsh, 2 Meadow Pipit, 1 Water Pipit seen well between eastern pillbox and saltmarsh, later seen flying to eastern end of salt marsh. Don Petrie, Paul Baker (SOG).

EWT Hanningfield Reservoir 13:15 to 16:45
c.75 Lapwing, c.50 Golden Plover, 1 Mistle Thrush, 2 Goldcrest, 1 Redpoll, 1 redhead Smew, 2 drake Goldeneye, 5 female Goldeneye, c.150 Wigeon, 16 Pied Wagtail, 6 Meadow Pipit, 2 Dunnock, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Coal Tit. 2 Stag and 8 female Red Deer. David & Brenda Hale.

Gunner's Park 13:25 to 15:15
3 Raft's of Common Scoter's swimming in the middle of the river east to west about 50 in each raft. S. Jackson.

Heybridge Basin 14:00 to 15:00
Greenshank, 5 Bearded Tit (3 female 2 male), 3 Reed Bunting (2 female 1 male), at least 8 Corn Bunting. S. Cook.

South Fambridge 14:45
2 Little Owl back in oak tree on Fambridge Road. C. Hotten.

Hanningfield Reservoir 15:00
2 Smew (redheads). Richard Shepherd.

RSPB West Canvey Marsh 16:00
2 Short-eared Owl, 2 Kestrel. Patrick Reeve.

Wednesday 16th January 2013north westerly, fog then clear, max2°c    

History of Mediterranean Gull observed at Southend Pier on 14th January 2013
White 3E72 left Bruxelles 7T21303 3CY 26/06/2005 Grembergen, Oost-Vlaanderen, BELGIUM 51,03N 4,06E Mannaert, Jef

Sightings for individual:
White 3E72 v 30/07/2005 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Arlow, Steve
White 3E72 v 07/08/2005 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Mee, Graham
White 3E72 v 29/12/2005 Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex, England, GB 51,34N 0,44E Arlow, Steve
White 3E72 v 14/04/2006 Westdorpe, Autrichepolder, Zeeland, NL 51,15N 3,5E De Smet, Walter
White 3E72 v 16/04/2006 Westdorpe, Autrichepolder, Zeeland, NL 51,15N 3,5E De Smet, Walter
White 3E72 v 29/07/2006 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Arlow, Steve
White 3E72 v 07/01/2007 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Arlow, Steve
White 3E72 v 29/01/2007 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Johnson, M.S.
White 3E72 v 11/03/2007 Zandvlietsluis, Antwerpen, BELGIUM 51,2N 4,17E De Smet, Walter
White 3E72 v 14/03/2007 Zandvlietsluis, Antwerpen, BELGIUM 51,2N 4,17E Flamant, Renaud
White 3E72 v 15/03/2007 Zandvlietsluis, Antwerpen, BELGIUM 51,2N 4,17E Flamant, Renaud
White 3E72 c 20/03/2007 Zandvlietsluis, Antwerpen, BELGIUM 51,2N 4,17E BLB 7T21303 Goris, Guido
White 3E72 v 23/03/2007 Zandvlietsluis, Antwerpen, BELGIUM 51,2N 4,17E Flamant, Renaud
White 3E72 c 24/03/2007 Zandvlietsluis, Antwerpen, BELGIUM 51,2N 4,17E +GDS+GG BLB911397 Pauwels, André
White 3E72 v 06/11/2007 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Lee, David
White 3E72 v 11/11/2007 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Arlow, Steve
White 3E72 v 11/11/2007 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Griggs, Paul
White 3E72 v 14/11/2007 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Lee, David
White 3E72 v 21/11/2007 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Lee, David
White 3E72 v 27/01/2008 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Lee, David
White 3E72 p 17/02/2008 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Darrel-Lambert, David
White 3E72 v 24/02/2008 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Bruty, Paul
White 3E72 vv 28/09/2009 L'Houmeau, Port du Plomb, Charente-Maritime, FRANCE 46,12N 1,12W Le Gall, Pierre
White 3E72 v 02/10/2009 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E read as 3F72 Davison, Dan
White 3E72 v 17/01/2010 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Cracknell, Martin
White 3E72 v 30/01/2010 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Baker, Paul
White 3E72 v 31/01/2010 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Lee, David
White 3E72 v 01/02/2010 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Dee, Chris
White 3E72 v 18/06/2011 Pitsea landfill, Essex, GB 51,33N 0,32E Arlow, Steve
White 3E72 v 13/11/2011 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Southcott, Michael
White 3E72 v 19/12/2011 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Arlow, Steve
White 3E72 v 27/12/2011 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Hawkins, Paul
White 3E72 v 08/01/2012 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Mee, Graham
White 3E72 v 14/01/2012 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Southcott, Michael
White 3E72 v 14/02/2012 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Illman, Chris
White 3E72 v 10/11/2012 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Southcott, Michael
White 3E72 v 13/01/2013 Southend Pier, Essex, GB 51,31N 0,43E Mee, Graham
Total number of sightings : 37

Churchend Lane/Tidworth Avenue, Rawreth Near Village Hall 10:15
110 Waxwing feeding on rose hips in garden on corner. Fantastic sight! G. Dixon.

Latchingdon, West of Village 10:45
50 Fieldfare flew across road. G. Dixon.

EWT Hanningfield Reservoir 13:15 to 15:20
From the Causeway: female Smew. In the reserve: Robin, Blackbird, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Chaffinch, Dunlin, Mallard, Tufted Duck, Wigeon, Teal, Pochard, Gadwall, Canada Geese, Greylag Geese, drake and female Goldeneye, Lapwing, Black-headed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Wood Pigeon, Collard Dove, Coot, Moorhen, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Crow. Chris Henry.

Leigh on Sea, Prittlewell Brook, 13:30
1 Grey Wagtail first one I've seen for on the brook for a couple of weeks. Matt Bruty (SOG).

Wakering, Fleet Head, 13:30 to 16:40
18 Mute Swan, c.2200 Dark-bellied Brent Goose (approx. 800 on Fleet Head plus 1400 on Potton), 9 Little Egret (1 on Fleet Head, 8 on Potton), 2 Marsh Harrier (on Potton/Middleway), 1 Hen Harrier (male on Potton), 1 Kestrel, c.100 Black-tailed Godwit (a flock of approx. 100 dropped on to Potton at high tide, good to see there are some about), 1 Barn Owl (on Potton), 7 Skylark. Don Petrie (SOG).

Southend Pier, 14:15 to 16:15
5 Red-throated Diver, 6 Great Crested Grebe, 30 Mediterranean Gull, 1 adult Kittiwake on the slipway with the Mediterranean Gulls, 10 Guillemot. 2 Common Seal, 1 Grey Seal. John Wright, Marc Outten (SOG).

Hanningfield Reservoir 14:20 to 15:00
350+ Black-headed Gull, 17 Great Black-backed Gull, 150+ Herring Gull, 16 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 50+ Mallard, 60+ Common Gull, 30+ Carrion Crow, 150+ Tufted Duck, 70+ Pochard, 100+ Wigeon, 50+ Cormorant, 12 Coot, 2 Mute Swan, 100+ Canada Geese, 150+ Greylag Geese, 1 Blackbird, 6 Magpie, 2 Blue Tit, 1 Pied Wagtail, 1 female Smew, 4 Goosander, 2 Kestrel, 5 Moorhen. Rob Harris.

Shoebury, Friars Park 14:30
3 drake Mandarin Duck. Hilary Knight.

RSPB Wallasea Island, 15:00 to 16:30
From side of road between farm and car park: 1 ringtail Hen Harrier flew high north east, 45 Golden Plover on fields with Lapwing, 1500 Lapwing (200 on fields and huge flock over Potton), 2 Barn Owl (distinctively different birds, one near white other clearly browner above), 2 Short-eared Owl, 150 Corn Bunting (90 on telegraph wires over field west of farm, 30 by farm, 30 over wbc). Jeff Delve (SOG).

Enterprise Way, Wickford 15:30
40+ Waxwing. Gary & Cheryl Beacon.

Steeple, Stansgate Road Near Yacht Club 15:30
50+ Lapwing, 20 Golden Plover in fields either side of road. G. Dixon.

Canewdon, Scotts Hall Lane 15:30 to 15:40
1 Little Owl, 3 Mistle Thrush feeding on ivy berries, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker on farm gatepost. David Selley.

Tuesday 15th January 2013west north west, mostly cloudy, max2°c    

Gunners Park, Shoebury 10:15
2 Fieldfare. John Pitts.

Southend Airport 10:30
12 Fieldfare by Lancaster Café. Kris Mee, Web Author.

RSPB Vange Marsh 10:50 to 12:30
1 Marsh Harrier, 20+ Wigeon, 10+ Gadwall, 300+ Teal, 30+ Shoveler, a few Redwing. Note that there is a terrible lot of mud here so you need to be careful walking. One of my wellingtons got stuck in mud, came off, and I fell over in it! Richard Fahey.

Ballards Gore 14:00 to 14:10
300+ Lapwing, 15 Common Crow. Rob Harris.

RSPB Wallasea Island 14:15 to 15:00
100+ Lapwing, 100+ Golden Plover, 2 Moorhen, 2 Little Egret, 2 Kestrel, 2 Cormorant, 3 Magpie, 15 Common Crow, 15 Linnet, 50+ Corn Bunting, 80+ Stock Dove, 30+ Woodpigeon, 20 Herring Gull, 30+ Black headed Gull. Rob Harris.

Lake Meadows, Billericay 15:00
3 Goosander (2 male 1 female), 2 Cormorant, 2 Great Crested Grebe - courtship display. Marion Burch.

Hanningfield Reservoir Causeway 15:00 to 15:15
300+ Black-headed Gull, 11 Great Black-backed Gull, 100+ Herring Gull, 7 lesser Black-backed Gull, 40+ Mallard, 60+ Common Gull, 27 Carrion Crow, 100+ Tufted Duck, 40+ Pochard, 80+ Wigeon, 70+ Cormorant, 12 Coot, 4 Shoveler, 3 Magpie, 10 Carrion Crow, 130+ Canada Geese, 100+ Greylag Geese. Rob Harris.

Shoebury East Beach 15:40 to 16:15
1 Magpie, 1 Goldfinch, 60 Common Gull on boom, 150 Oystercatcher, 20+ Turnstone, 15 Ringed Plover, 20+ Redshank, 50+ Sanderling, 40 Brent Goose. G. Dixon.

Monday 14th January 2013south westerly, cloudy, light rain, max3°c    

RSPB Vange Marsh, 10:10 to 11:00
1 Kestrel, 5 Snipe, 1 Green Sandpiper, 1 Kingfisher, 1 Fieldfare, 15 Redwing, 4 Lesser Redpoll (Possibly 7 with Goldfinch and Greenfinch in trees by railway but flew towards marsh), 6 Reed Bunting. John Wright (SOG).

Southend, Concrete Plant, Stock Road 10:30 to 15:30
1 Peregrine Falcon landed in tree next to feeders, 30 Goldfinch, 15 Chaffinch, 15 Greenfinch, 5 Great Tit, 6 Blue Tit, 1 pair Greater Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Jay, 3 Blackbird, 2 Wren, 3 Long-tailed Tit, 2 Pied Wagtail. Dan Davison.

South Fambridge, 10:30 to 12:10
4 Little Grebe, 4 Great Crested Grebe, 1 Little Egret, 150 Dark-bellied Brent Goose, 120 Wigeon, 14 Avocet, 1 Grey Plover, 1 Common Sandpiper, 1 Turnstone (unusual here), 1 Water Pipit west of pillbox on seawall, 2 Song Thrush, 6 Reed Bunting. Ray Fuller (SOG).

RSPB Vange Marsh, 11:00 to 12:30
160 Wigeon, 1 Yellow-legged Gull (adult with LBBs), 2 Meadow Pipit, 1 Water Pipit in south west corner, 2 Linnet, 2 Lesser Redpoll flew low along west bank to south presumed lessers, 2 Reed Bunting. Vince Kinsler (SOG).

Southend Pier 11:35 to 15:35
20 Mediterranean Gull, c.50 Turnstone, c.10 Guillemot (4 close to pier), c.30 Common Scoter, 1 Kittiwake, 1 Great Black-backed Gull, 1 Dunlin, c.12 Great Crested Grebe, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Black-headed Gull, Cormorant. 3 Common Seal close to pier. David & Brenda Hale.

Canvey Point, 12:10 to 13:45
12 Red-throated Diver (at least), 1 Black-throated Diver (possibly 2), 15 Great Crested Grebe, 25 Common Scoter (one flock), 5 Black-tailed Godwit (flew up river), 1 adult Mediterranean Gull, 1 immature Kittiwake, 1 Guillemot (plus 2 auk sp.). 1 Common Seal. John Wright (SOG).

Rossi's Ice Cream, Westcliff, 13:30 to 13:40
120 Sanderling. Vince Kinsler (SOG).

Shoebury East Beach, 14:00 to 14:25
1 female Eider close in to east side of booms. Vince Kinsler (SOG).

Shoebury East Beach, 14:45 to 15:15
1 Black-necked Grebe east side of boom and then drifted out on receding tide, 1 Eider east side of boom. John Wright (SOG).

Shoebury, Friars Park, 15:30 to 15:45
2 drake Mandarin Duck on east island, 1 female Sparrowhawk, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker. 1 Brown Rat. John Wright (SOG).

Sunday 13th January 2013northerly, mostly cloudy, max4°c    

West Mersea 08:00 to 11:30
80+ Brent Geese, 30+ Wigeon, 3 Redshank, 5 Curlew, 100+ Dunlin, 3 Cormorant, 50+ Lapwing, 8 Shelduck, 4 Great Crested Grebe, 12 Little Grebe, 15 Oystercatcher, 4 Turnstone, 22 Red-breasted Merganser, 17 Great Black-backed Gull, 2 Great Northern Diver, 2 Black-necked Grebe, 30 Pintail. Stacey Belbin.

RSPB Vange Marsh, 08:25 to 09:35
70 Greylag Goose, 1 Snipe flushed from salt marsh, 1 adult Yellow-legged Gull, 2 Meadow Pipit, 1 Water Pipit mobile around western salt marsh, 1 Reed Bunting. Neil Chambers (SOG).

Shoebury, Friars Park, 08:30 to 09:00
1 drake Mandarin Duck on island, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 3 Redwing. Lee Ebbs (SOG).

Southend, North Avenue 08:45
Cormorant flying west to east over North Ave. S. Jackson.

Shoeburyness, Shoebury Avenue 09:00 to 10:00
3 Greenfinch, 2 Goldfinch, 3 Chaffinch, Robin, Dunnock, 2 Great Tit, 15 Starling, 2 male Blackbird 1 female Blackbird, 8 House Sparrow, 2 Collared Dove, 2 Wood Pigeon, 1 Blue Tit. Steve Day.

RSPB Vange Marsh, 09:00 to 10:30
1 adult Yellow-legged Gull, 1 Water Pipit west end, seen once on the deck and twice in flight. Plus probable Water Pipit flew east over the marsh and dropped in at east end. John Wright (SOG).

Hadleigh Downs, 09:30 to 10:45
1 Sparrowhawk, 8 Redwing, 12 Long-tailed Tit (at least), 1 female Bullfinch seen with several others heard but not seen. Steve Arlow  (SOG, www.birdersplayground.co.uk).

Prittlewell Brook, 09:45 to 10:15
1 Grey Wagtail in brook by allotments, 1 Song Thrush, 1 Goldcrest in Bonchurch Park, 8 Siskin in Tankerville Drive. Sally Brierley (SOG).

Southend Pier (Local RSPB Group Walk) 10:00 to 14:00
Brent Goose, Shelduck, 20+ Red-throated Diver, 1 (possibly 2) 1 (possibly 2) Great Northern Diver, Great Crested Grebe, Cormorant, Curlew, Oystercatcher, Sanderling, Redshank, Turnstone, 4 Kittiwake, Black-headed Gull, 16 Mediterranean Gull (including white ringed 3E72), Common Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Herring Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, 15+ <>span class="redlist">Guillemot (five right next to pier!), Collared Dove, Carrion Crow. 7 Common Seal, 1 Grey Seal. Kris Mee, Steve Sanford, Web Author Et Al.

Leigh on Sea, Tankerville Drive 10:20 to 10:45
13 Siskin. Brian Baldock (SOG).

Leigh on Sea, Tankerville Drive 11:00 to 11:10
17 Siskin in street alder tree by the brook, 3 Goldfinch (with the Siskins. John Wright (SOG).

Chelmsford, Exit to Newhall School 11:00 to 11:30
Small flock of Siskin feeding in Alder trees. 2 male 1 female Bullfinch. Sue Haffenden.

RSPB Vange Marsh, 11:00 to 12:15
3 Rock Pipit, 7 Lesser Redpoll in salt marsh on west bank by the green fence, also perching on green fence. Steve Arlow (SOG, www.birdersplayground.co.uk).

Hanningfield, Downham Road 11:15
1 Buzzard perched on bush near roadside. Marion Burch.

Paglesham Lagoon, 11:15 to 13:45
40+ Mute Swan, 1 Canada Goose, 20 Gadwall, 10 Teal, 3 Pintail, 60 Shoveler, 20 Pochard, 20+ Tufted Duck, 1 Scaup, 5 Goldeneye, 1 Pied Wagtail, 2 Goldcrest. Brian Baldock (SOG).

Leigh on Sea, Tankerville Drive 11:40 to 11:45
1 Siskin (a nice male in a very quick stop!). Mike Clarke (SOG).

Galleywood Common 11:45
1 Common Buzzard over A12 junction. Mike Harris.

Canvey Point, 11:45 to 14:00
25+ Red-throated Diver, 2 Black-throated Diver, 19 Great Crested Grebe, 8 Guillemot, 1 Razorbill. Sally Brierley (SOG).

Southchurch, 12:00
1 Grey Wagtail in back gardens along Beaufort Street. Paul Baker (SOG).

Chalkwell Park Drive, Leigh, 12:00 to 12:10
1 male Blackcap eating ivy berries before being chased off by a Blackbird, 1 Goldcrest in ivy. John Wright (SOG).

Southend Pier, 12:00 to 15:30
31 Red-throated Diver, c.20 Great Crested Grebe, 1 Velvet Scoter flew out of the river at 14:20, 42 Turnstone, 37 Mediterranean Gull (minimum), 3 Kittiwake (2 adult, 1 juvenile), 16 Guillemot, 1 Alcidae sp. 6 Common Seal, 4 Harbour Porpoise. Paul Griggs, Matt Bruty

Wakering Stairs 12:20 to 13:30
1 Little Egret, 3 Cormorant, 15 Wigeon, c.100 Oystercatcher, Grey Plover, Knot, Dunlin, 1000+ Bar-tailed Godwit, 3 Lapwing, c.30 Redshank, c.50 Curlew, 1 Rock Pipit. Mike Harris.

Billericay, Lake Meadows 12:30 to 13:30
2 female Goosander, 5 Long-tailed Tit. G. Dixon.

Shoebury, Friars Park, 13:00 to 13:15
1 drake Mandarin Duck, 8 Fieldfare. Steve Arlow (SOG, www.birdersplayground.co.uk).

Shoebury East Beach, 13:20 to 14:10
6 Red-throated Diver, 18 Great Crested Grebe (at least), 1 Shag flew in from the west and landed on the broom then started feeding around the boom 20 minutes later, 1 female Eider fairly close in around the boom, 40 Sanderling. Steve Arlow, Don Petrie (SOG).

Wat Tyler Country Park 14:20 to 16:00
Sightings from first hide: 2 female Marsh Harrier, 5 Snipe, 1 Kestrel, 1 Great Crested Grebe, 2 Little Grebe, c.40 Pochard, Shoveler, Teal, Tufted Duck, Wigeon, c.30 Stock Dove, 6 Mute Swan, Water Rail heard, 2 Grey Heron, 1 Little Egret, c.20 Lapwing, Gadwall, 2 Chaffinch. 1 Fox. David & Brenda Hale.

RSPB Wallasea Island, 14:30 to 15:30
1 Barn Owl, 2 Short-eared Owl, 30+ Corn Bunting. Dudley Shayler (SOG).

Two Tree Island West, 14:30 to 16:00
Lagoon: 1 Little Egret, 150 Dark-bellied Brent Goose flying over lagoon in groups of 20 or 30 as tide ebbed, 2 Shelduck, 3 Wigeon, 8 Teal, 9 Avocet, 22 Ringed Plover, 35 Grey Plover, c.250 Knot, 84 Dunlin, 7 Snipe, 78 Bar-tailed Godwit, 1 Greenshank, 1 Meadow Pipit, 60 Linnet (one large flock in lagoon), 2 Reed Bunting. Sally Brierley (SOG).

Shoebury Common to East Beach 14:30 to 16:30
32 Turnstone, 60 Sanderling, 2 Great Crested Grebe, 2 Red-throated Diver, 1 Common Scoter, 3 Little Grebe (on Gunners Park Lake no sign of the Long Tailed Duck). Richard Mander.

Old Leigh 14:55
1 Slavonian Grebe between Simply Seafood and Peterboat about 75ft out (nearly high tide). Jeff Elliott.

Two Tree Island West 15:00 to 16:00
Scrape: 2 Little Egret, 6+ Wigeon, 4 Snipe, 90 Brent Geese flew over hide, c.200 Knot, 3 Avocet, 1 Greenshank, 20+ Linnet, 2 Carrion Crow, 1 Starling, Great Black-backed Gull, Herring Gull, Black-headed Gull, 3 Common Gull, 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 40+ Lapwing, 10 Redshank, 15 Ringed Plover, 30+ Dunlin, 50 Bar-tailed Godwit on river, Curlew, Shelduck. G. Dixon.

Paglesham Lagoon, 15:10 to 16:55
15 Little Egret, 1 Great White Egret (flew in late at 4.52pm), 1 Scaup (1st winter drake still on lagoon), 1 Buzzard, 1 Barn Owl, 30 Fieldfare came into the roost. Steve Arlow, Vince Kinsler, Don Petrie (SOG).

Southchurch Park
3 Redshank by pond opposite café. Mick

Saturday 12th January 2013easterly, cloudy, drizzle, max5°c    

West Mersea 08:00 to 10:00
200+ Brent Geese, 50+ Wigeon, 5 Redshank, 7 Curlew, 25 Dunlin, 80+ Golden Plover, 30+ Lapwing, 2 Shelduck, 1 Great Crested Grebe, 18 Little Grebe, 8 OystercCatcher, 12 Turnstone, 8 Red-breasted Merganser, 2 Marsh Harrier, 5 Great Black-backed Gull, 8 Goldeneye, 1 Great Northern Diver, 1 Pied Wagtail. Stacey Belbin.

Paglesham Lagoon, 08:30 to 10:00
5 Pintail, 1 Scaup (1w drake still present, initially diving on its own right at south end then resting with main diving duck flock on east side), 12 Goldeneye (3 drakes), 1 Kestrel. Martin Cracknell (SOG).

Fobbing Marsh/Coryton 09:05 to 12:20
c.6 Pintail and c.9 Wigeon on Holehaven Creek, 120+ Teal, 40+ Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Oystercatcher, 10+ Redwing, 7 Fieldfare, 1 Little Egret, 1 Green Woodpecker. Richard Fahey.

Leigh on Sea, Tankerville Drive 09:15 to 09:30
6 Siskin (probably more) by brook. Graham Ryland (SOG).

South Fambridge, 09:35 to 12:15
3 Great Crested Grebe, 1 Little Egret, 23 Greylag Goose, 87 Canada Goose, 600 Dark-bellied Brent Goose, 80 Wigeon, 1 female Marsh Harrier, 1 Buzzard over Blue House Farm, 1 Kestrel, 350 Golden Plover, 1 Water Pipit seen by the start of the salt marsh 1/2 mile east of the steps, 36 Fieldfare. Paul Griggs (SOG).

Wakering Stairs to Haven Point 10:20 to 11:50
c.1500 Bar-tailed Godwit, c.1000 Dunlin, c.1000 Knot, 300 Sanderling, 100 Oystercatcher, 50 Turnstone, 20 Grey Plover, 8 Curlew, 4 Shelduck, 1 Little Egret, 30 Redshank. Richard Mander.

Hanningfield Reservoir 10:20 to 11:50
Blue Tit, Great Tit, Chaffinch, 30+ Greylag Geese, 40+ Lapwing, 50+ Cormorant, 100+ Wigeon, 3 Pochard, 2 Great Black-backed Gull, Robin, Great Crested Grebe, 9 Goldeneye, 3 Gooseander, 3 Grey Heron, Pied Wagtail, Meadow Pipit, Canada Geese, Mallard, Tufted Duck, Coot, Moorhen, Magpie, Woodpigeon, juvenile Herring Gull, 250+ Black Headed Gull, Carrion Crow, Blackbird. Ben M.

Leigh on Sea, Tankerville Drive 10:45
5+ Siskin in tree by brook. Martin Cracknell (SOG).

Southend Pier, 11:15 to 15:10
1 female Common Scoter, 20+ Red-throated Diver (hard to count but many feeding and flying, could be many more than 20), c.10 Great Crested Grebe, 1 Great Skua robbed a GBB Gull mid-stream at 14:30, 10+ Mediterranean Gull, 1 adult Little Gull flew downriver at 14:40, 30+ Kittiwake (good numbers in the river, mostly adults), 10+ Guillemot (plus several unidentified auks), 1 Razorbill. Don Petrie (SOG).

Leigh on Sea, Elmsleigh Drive, 12:00
1 Goldcrest in garden. Was present last week as well. Nicky Lee.

Prittle Brook (Leigh on Sea), 12:30 to 12:45
8 Siskin. Brian Baldock (SOG).

Paglesham Lagoon, 12:30 to 13:30
5 Pintail, 1 Scaup (1st winter drake), 10 Goldeneye, 1 Buzzard heading south being mobbed by crow, 1 Kestrel. Lee Ebbs (SOG).

Rushbottom Lane, 12:30 to 14:00
1 Great Crested Grebe, 2 Mute Swan, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Jay. Graham Ryland (SOG).

Mayflower Close, Eastwood, 13:00
1 Little Egret in brook still. Paul Baker (SOG).

RSPB Wallasea Island, 13:00 to 17:00
4 Little Egret, 1 immature male Marsh Harrier, 1 Kestrel, 40 Golden Plover, 11 Knot, c.150 Stock Dove, 1 Barn Owl, 6 Chaffinch, 6 Reed Bunting, 48+ Corn Bunting. Paul Griggs (SOG).

RSPB Vange Marsh, 13:30 to 14:30
1 Water Pipit mobile between fresh marsh and salt marsh by west bank, 1 male Bearded Tit on west side showing well on reed heads, calling occasionally, 1 Lesser Redpoll initially feeding on salt marsh by west bank. Tim Bourne (SOG).

Hampton Barns, 14:00 to 14:30
50 Golden Plover, 10 Fieldfare, 5 Linnet. Lee Ebbs (SOG).

Gunners Park, 14:25 to 15:35
20 Red-throated Diver (many sightings of birds flying east and west), 10+ Great Crested Grebe, 1 female Long-tailed Duck still on lake, 7 Common Scoter (1 on lake, 1 + 5 flew past), 1 adult Kittiwake east, 1 Guillemot (+ 3 more auk sp.). Neil Chambers (SOG).

Wat Tyler Country Park 14:30 to 15:40
1 Peregrine Falcon, 1 Marsh Harrier, 3 Snipe, Stock Dove, 30+ Shoveler, 50 Wigeon, 1 Redwing, Great Black-backed Gull, Herring Gull, c.100 Black-headed Gull, 1 Cormorant, 10 Gadwall, Tufted Duck, Teal, Mallard, 30+ Pochard. Marina: Magpie, Carrion Crow, Jackdaw, 1 Curlew, 3 Redshank, 20 Greylag Goose, 14 Mute Swan. G. Dixon.

Canvey Wick, 14:40 to 15:45
1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Snipe, 4 Woodcock, 1 Green Sandpiper over, calling, 15+ Fieldfare, 6 Redwing, 1 Goldcrest (with Long-tailed Tit flock). Tim Bourne (SOG).

RSPB Wallasea Island 15:00 to 16.00
1 Kestrel, 2 Moorhen, 1 Redshank, 100+ Lapwing, 100+ Golden Plover, 60+ Wood Pigeon, 4 Little Egret, 3 Magpie, 12 Carrion Crow, 50+ Corn Bunting, 1 Chaffinch, 15 Herring Gull, 12 Black Headed Gull. Rob Harris.

Shoebury, Friars Park, 15:45 to 15:50
2 drake Mandarin Duck between islands. Neil Chambers (SOG).

RSPB Wallasea Island, 16:25 to 16:55
1 Barn Owl hunting over seawall south of white gate. Neil Chambers, Paul Baker, Paul Griggs (SOG).

Friday 11th January 2013variable, mostly cloudy, max6°c    

Mayflower Close, Eastwood, 08:45
1 Little Egret in brook. Paul Baker (SOG).

Leigh on Sea, Tankerville Drive 09:05 to 09:10
1 Grey Wagtail in brook, 13 Siskin feeding in street tree by brook. John Wright (SOG).

Hockley, Glencrofts 09:30
1 Lesser Redpoll, 4 Goldfinch, 1 Dunnock, 1 Robin, Blue Tit, Great Tit. Irwin Lewis.

Lake Meadows Billericay 10:10 to 11:30
10 drake and 10 female Goosander, 3 Cormorant, 2 Great Crested Grebe, 1 pair Pochard, 2 Dunnock. David & Brenda Hale.

Barling Marsh, 10:30 to 13:00
Walked from the church round the sea wall to River Roach: 8 Great Crested Grebe, 4 Little Egret, 3 Marsh Harrier (male and female on Potton, immature on Fleet Head), 1 Merlin (immature female hunting area and sitting on rubbish tip fence), 1 Green Woodpecker, 15 Skylark, 1 Rock Pipit, 1 Stonechat. John Wright (SOG).

Lower Dunton Road 11:45 to 11:50
1 Buzzard perched on roadside telegraph pole, 4 Redwing. David & Brenda Hale.

EWT Thurrock Thameside 12:15 to 17:00
2 Short-eared Owl, 1 Little Owl, 1 Barn Owl. 1 female Kestrel, 6 Long-tailed Tit, 4 Great Tit, 1 Robin, 1 male Stonechat, 1 Dunnock c.100 Shelduck, c.400 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit, c.150 Avocet, c.200 Teal, c.100 Wigeon, c.20 Curlew, 10 Ringed Plover, 4 Lapwing, c.30 Redshank, 5 Dunlin. 1 Common Seal with a large Bass. David & Brenda Hale.

Leigh on Sea, Tankerville Drive 12:30 to 12:45
2 Mute Swan flew west, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, c.12 Siskin by brook. Bumblebee! Paul Baker, Steve Arlow (SOG).

Wakering, Fleet Head, 13:30 to 14:30
First seawall: c.1000 Dark-bellied Brent Goose, 1 Pale-bellied Brent Goose (with c.600 Dark-bellied Brent), 10 Shelduck, 1 Sparrowhawk, 2 Red-legged Partridge, 6 Stock Dove, 1 Rock Pipit. John Wright (SOG).

Paglesham Lagoon, 14:00 to 16:30
Walked in from sewage works. Roach almost devoid of birds: 6 Great Crested Grebe (1 on lagoon, 5 on Roach), 47 Mute Swan (10 on lagoon, 37 in field south west of lagoon), 16 Pintail, 1 Scaup (1st-w drake on it's own at the far southern end of the lagoon), c.14 Goldeneye, 2 Kestrel, 1 Green Woodpecker, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Song Thrush, 2 Chiffchaff (confiding birds along track to the north), 3 Goldcrest (singles), 4 Corn Bunting. Paul Baker (SOG).

Gunners Park, 15:00 to 15:30
1 Long-tailed Duck, 1 Common Scoter. John Wright (SOG).

Chalkwell Park, 15:50 to 16:10
1 Green Woodpecker, 1 Mistle Thrush, c.40 Greenfinch. Matt Bruty (SOG).

Chalkwell Station, 16:40
1 Song Thrush singing. Matt Bruty (SOG).

Thursday 10th January 2013westerly, overcast, max2°c    

Hadleigh Downs, 09:40 to 10:40
1 Buzzard west end of the downs, flew west over Benfleet, 1 Green Woodpecker, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 8 Long-tailed Tit, 3 Bullfinch (male and 2 females together. From bridleway track bottom of valley). 1 Red Fox, 1 Grey Squirrel. John Wright (SOG).

Wick Meadows Estate, Wickford 10:00 to 11:00
Our normally bird free garden, came to life this morning: 1 male Blackcap, 1 pair Robin, 1 pair Great Tit, 1 Blue Tit, 2 House Sparrow, 4 Collared Dove, 3 Wood Pigeon, 2 m and 1 female Blackbird. David & Brenda Hale.

Gunner's Park 10:30 to 12:30
67+ Turnstone, 49+ Sanderling. 35+ Ringed Plover, female Common Scoter, female Long-tailed Duck, Fieldfare, Redwing, Song Thrush, Mistle Thrush, Blackbird, Green Woodpecker, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Long-tailed Tit, Cormorant. S. Jackson & M. Hill.

Leigh on Sea, Tankerville Drive 10:50 to 11:00
2 Jackdaw over, 15 Siskin in alder by brook. Kris Mee, Web Author.

RSPB West Canvey Marsh, 10:50 to 12:00
c.80 Greylag Goose, c.150 Canada Goose, 2 Dark-bellied Brent Goose, c.1000 Wigeon, 1 Marsh Harrier (immature), 1 Kestrel, 1 male Stonechat. John Wright (SOG).

Billericay, Lake Meadows, 11:45
16 Goosander (8 male, 8 female). 1 Common Gull. David Chivers.

Chelmsford, River Chelmer 14:25
1 Grey Wagtail by Riverside weir. Tim Davis.

Wat Tyler Country Park 13:40 to 14:40
Gadwall, Teal, Mallard, Shoveler, Pochard, Tufted Duck, Little Grebe, 2 Marsh Harrier (adult female and immature male), Moorhen, Coot, Lapwing, Snipe, Herring Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Dunnock, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Jay, Magpie, Carrion Crow, Chaffinch, Greenfinch. Kris Mee, Web Author.

Leigh on Sea, Tankerville Drive 14:45 to 14:52
13 Siskin, 1 Goldfinch feeding on alder trees outside 95A. Martin Johnson.

Wednesday 09th January 2013westerly to northerly, scattered cloud, max9°c    

Rayleigh Mount, 08:15
1 Green Woodpecker. Paul Baker (SOG).

Rayleigh Mount 09:20 to 09:40
2 Song Thrush, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker. Peter Norgate.

Prittlewell Brook, Westcliff, 10:15 to 10:30
1 Song Thrush singing, 2 Goldcrest. Matt Bruty (SOG).

Coalhouse Fort, East Tilbury 10:48 to 12:10
400+ Avocet, 5000+ Dunlin, 300+ Black-tailed Godwit, 8 Teal, 18 Fieldfare, 1 Redwing, 1 Little Egret. Richard Fahey.

Gunners Park 11:20 to 14:50
c.12 Linnet, 2 Dunnock, 1 Grey Heron, 1 Little Egret, c.100 Sanderling, Oystercatcher, Common Gull, Redshank, 20 Brent Geese, Curlew, 1 House Sparrow, 1 Dunlin, c.30 Great Crested Grebe, Turnstone, Ringed Plover, c.20 Common Scoter mid river, 1 female Long-tailed Duck, 1 female Common Scoter still on lake. David & Brenda Hale.

Southend Hospital, 11:30 to 12:30
1 Peregrine Falcon on top of the tower. Matt Bruty (SOG).

Priory Park, 11:40 to 12:00
2 Grey Wagtail, 1 Chiffchaff along brook, 2 Goldcrest. Vince Kinsler (SOG).

Leigh on Sea, Tankerville Drive, 11:50 to 12:00
11 Siskin (still feeding in tree next to brook, 3 Goldfinch (with the Siskins). John Wright (SOG).

Southend, Jones Memorial Recreation Ground 12:10 to 12:15
1 adult Mediterranean Gull. Vince Kinsler (SOG).

Prittlewell Brook, Westcliff 12:40 to 12:40
1 Chiffchaff. Matt Bruty (SOG).

Hanningfield Reservoir Causeway 13:00 to 13:15
250+ Black-headed Gull, 21 Great Black-backed Gull, 150+ Herring Gull, 7 lesser Black-backed Gull, 30+ Mallard, 60+ Common Gull, 27 Carrion Crow, 100+ Tufted Duck, 40+ Pochard, 50+ Wigeon, 49 Cormorant, 12 Coot, 2 Mute Swan, 130+ Canada Geese, 100+ Greylag Geese, 1 Blackbird, 5 Magpie, 3 Blue Tit, 1 Pied Wagtail, 1 Great Crested Grebe. Rob Harris.

Lake Meadows, Billericay 13:00 to 13:25
7 Goosander, 2 Great Crested Grebe, 1 Cormorant. Ben M.

Leigh on Sea, Tankerville Drive 13:10 to 13:40
15 Siskin feeding with Goldfinch in alder trees between 95a and 115. Don Petrie (SOG).

Chalkwell Park Drive, Leigh, 13:20 to 13:25
2 Goldcrest. John Wright (SOG).

Stonehill Road, Leigh on Sea, 13:45 to 13:50
1 male Blackcap. Vince Kinsler (SOG).

Leigh on Sea, Tankerville Drive 14:00 to 14:10
2 Jackdaw, 5 Siskin. Matt Bruty (SOG).

Wat Tyler Country Park, 14:30
1 Grey Wagtail from scrape hide. Marc Outten (SOG).

RSPB Wallasea Island, 15:15 to 16:25
2 Kestrel, 1 Merlin (female seen twice), 1 Barn Owl, 3 Short-eared Owl, 80 Corn Bunting. Vince Kinsler (SOG).

Creeksea Ferry Road, Between Canewdon and Paglesham 16:30
Barn Owl hunting either side of road. Hilary Knight.

Canewdon, Scotts Hall Lane, 16:35 to 16:45
1 Barn Owl, 2 Little Owl. Vince Kinsler (SOG).

Tuesday 08th January 2013south south westerly, mostly cloudy, max12°c    

Two Tree Island West, 08:35 to 09:05
150 Knot, 200 Bar-tailed Godwit (Benfleet Creek), 4 Greenshank (lagoon), 12 Reed Bunting. John Wright (SOG).

High Easter village Hall 09:30 to 13:00
10 Waxwing. Chris Lodge.

Hadleigh Downs, 10:15 to 11:30
Quick walk along cinder track only from Benfleet end: 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Goldcrest, 20 Long-tailed Tit, 15 Goldfinch. John Wright (SOG).

Hanningfield Reservoir Causeway 11:15 to 11:20
250+ Black-headed Gull, 15 Great Black-backed Gull, 150+ Herring Gull, 50+ Common Gull, 5 Carrion Crow, 23 Coot, 100+ Tufted Duck, 20+ Mallard, 80+ Pochard, 100+ Wigeon, 40+ Cormorant, 150+ Canada Geese, 100+ Greylag Geese. Rob Harris.

Leigh on Sea, Park View Drive 14:00
1 Red Admiral in front garden! Kris Mee, Web Author.

RSPB Wallasea Island 14:00 to 16:10
1 Grey Heron, 1 Marsh Harrier, 1 male Hen Harrier, 1 Buzzard, 1 Kestrel, 3 Pheasant, 7 House Sparrow, 5 Chaffinch, 60+ Corn Bunting, 1 Stonechat, 9 Carrion Crow, 9 Herring Gull, 6 Black-Headed Gull, 3 Magpie. Rob Harris.

RSPB Wallasea Island, 14:30 to 16:20
1 Little Egret, 1 Grey Heron, 1 adult female Marsh Harrier, 1 male Hen Harrier, 1 Buzzard over Paglesham, 1 Kestrel, 1 Pheasant, 80+ Corn Bunting. Kris Mee, Web Author.

Lake Meadows, Billericay 15:00
10 Goosander (6m, 4f). Marion Burch.

Priory Park, 15:00 to 16:00
1 Green Woodpecker, 2 Grey Wagtail, 2 Long-tailed Tit. John Wright (SOG).

RSPB Wallasea Island, 15:00 to 16:15
3 Little Egret, 1 Hen Harrier (a fine male), 1 Buzzard, 1 Short-eared Owl, 35 Corn Bunting. Vince Kinsler (SOG).

Basildon, Towngate Square 15:20
80 House Sparrow going to roost in pagoda opposite theatre. G. Dixon.

Canewdon, Scotts Hall Lane, 16:30
1 Little Owl. Vince Kinsler (SOG).

Monday 07th January 2013south south westerly, mostly cloudy, max8°c    

Wat Tyler Country Park, 09:00 to 11:30
2 Marsh Harrier (male and female), 1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Kestrel, 1 Water Rail on cut reeds in front of hide, 32 Snipe, 1 Grey Wagtail, 2 Cetti's Warbler (heard). John Wright (SOG).

Stacey's Corner, Long Riding, Basildon 10:45
20+ Waxwing feeding in trees in small park behind Stacey's Corner Shops Long Riding also 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker. B. Goss.

South Fambridge, 12:00 to 13:30
30 Pintail, 1 female Marsh Harrier, 100+ Fieldfare, 1 Song Thrush, 25 Redwing, 1 Chiffchaff on saltmarsh east of village. John Wright (SOG).

RSPB Wallasea Island, 14:15 to 15:45
1 ringtail Hen Harrier, 1 Kestrel, 1 Short-eared Owl, 1 Stonechat by the car park, 1 Yellowhammer in hedge by white gate. John Wright (SOG).

Canewdon, Garden, 14:25
1 Sparrowhawk (regular adult male through garden), 5 Blackbird, 100+ Fieldfare (large flock over house heading east), 1 Song Thrush (briefly singing), 7 Long-tailed Tit, 17 Chaffinch, 16 Greenfinch, 22 Goldfinch. Jeff Delve (SOG).

Eastwood Sewage Works, 15:00 to 16:00
2 Water Rail (1 showing well), 4 Moorhen, 32 Pied Wagtail, 4 Wren, 45 Redwing, 1 Cetti's Warbler, 4 Goldcrest, 12 Long-tailed Tit. Vince Kinsler (SOG).

Stambridge Mills, 16:00 to 16:05
1 male Hen Harrier north over Cherry Tree Pub. John Wright (SOG).

Sunday 06th January 2013westerly, overcast, max8°c    

Gunners Park, 08:30 to 10:00
1 Little Egret, 1 Grey Heron, 1 Long-tailed Duck, 1 Common Scoter, 50+ Sanderling, 1 Mistle Thrush. Steve Sanford, Web Author.

Two Tree Island, 09:15 to 12:15
35 Ringed Plover, 13 Golden Plover, 52 Snipe, 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 1 Rock Pipit, 2 Song Thrush, 21 Reed Bunting. Graham Ryland (SOG).

Canvey Island, 10:00 to 10:15
27 Waxwing feeding on low bushes outside Canvey Carriage Co. Charfleets. Great views! Vince Kinsler (SOG).

Paglesham Eastend 10:15 to 11:40
2 Shelduck, 24 Wigeon, 2 Red-breasted Merganser (male and female), 4 Teal, 33 Mallard on pond inside seawall, 6 Dark-bellied Brent Goose, 90 Dunlin, 26 Redshank, 19 Curlew, 1 Kestrel, 1 Meadow Pipit, 22 Blackbird, 35 House Sparrow, 16 Linnet, 1 Reed Bunting. David Selley.

Canvey Point, 10:25 to 11:15
2 Red-throated Diver, 21 Great Crested Grebe, 2 Little Egret. Vince Kinsler (SOG).

Paglesham Lagoon, 10:50 to 13:45
24 Little Grebe (on River Roach), 6 Great Crested Grebe (on River Roach), 5 Little Egret (4 along River Roach, 1 at lagoon), 33 Mute Swan, 300 Dark-bellied Brent Goose (at least on River Roach), 400 Teal (at least on River Roach), 9 Pintail, 137 Pochard, 140 Tufted Duck, 1 Scaup (1st winter drake still present), 21 Goldeneye (15 on lagoon and 6 on River Roach), 2 Red-breasted Merganser (drakes on River Roach), 72 Avocet (on River Roach), 10 Knot (at least on River), 1 Black-tailed Godwit (River Roach), 1 Rock Pipit (River Roach), 2 Chiffchaff (at the north east corner of lagoon in bushes and long grass), 2 Goldcrest (at north east Corner). Steve Arlow (SOG, www.birdersplayground.co.uk).

Charfleets, Canvey Island 11:15 to 11:30
Flock of about 24 Waxwing feeding on Pyracantha in front of car showroom. Jane Attwell.

West Mersea 11:30 to 14:30
1 Little Egret, 80+ Brent Geese, 10 Wigeon, 7 Redshank, 11 Curlew, 24 Dunlin, 5 Cormorant, 26 Golden Plover, 60+ Lapwing, 3 Little Grebe, 8 Oystercatcher, 4 Turnstone, 2 Great Black-backed Gull, 5 Goldeneye. Stacey Belbin.

Hockley Woods, 12:00 to 14:00
1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 3 Goldcrest. Mike Clarke (SOG).

Pitsea, Farm Foods Car Park 13:00
1 Grey Wagtail feeding under A13 flyover. Bird was finding plenty of insects on ground moss. David & Brenda Hale.

RSPB Wallasea Island 14:00 to 16:30
Male Hen Harrier, Ringtail Hen Harrier by enclosure near car park, Marsh Harrier near wood yard, Short-eared Owl, Barn Owl, Merlin from white gate. Jeff Elliott.

RSPB Wallasea Island, 14:50 to 16:00
From car park, then white gate: 1 ringtail Hen Harrier hunting between car park and white gate, then flew east past haystack, 1 Kestrel, 1500 Lapwing (large flocks over Potton / Foulness), 1 Barn Owl (over wbc), 2 Short-eared Owl (showing well over reptile area, then one over southern seawall late on), 1 Skylark, 5 Linnet, 2 Yellowhammer by farm, 150+ Corn Bunting. Neil Chambers (SOG).

Nevendon Flyover, Basildon 15:20
c.20 Waxwing on bush near Sainsbury store A127. Marion Burch.

Paglesham, 16:10 to 16:40
From lay-by just west of Jubilee Cottages: 2000+ Dark-bellied Brent Goose (large flock east along Roach), 2 Little Owl (maybe 3, calling from various places north and west), 1 Song Thrush singing. Neil Chambers (SOG).

Saturday 05th January 2013south westerly to westerly, overcast, max11°c    

Tennyson Close, Leigh, 08:00
1 Green Woodpecker. Mike Clarke (SOG).

Paglesham Lagoon, 08:00 to 09:00
12 Little Grebe, 2 Great Crested Grebe, 18 Mute Swan, 14 Pintail (9 drake), 1 Scaup (1st winter still present), 19 Goldeneye, 1 Green Woodpecker, 2 Reed Bunting. Vince Kinsler (SOG).

Shoebury, Friars Park, 09:00 to 09:30
3 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Grey Wagtail flew overhead calling, 1 Fieldfare, 2 Goldcrest. Lee Ebbs (SOG).

Gunners Park, 09:20 to 10:00
2 Little Grebe, 1 Long-tailed Duck, 1 Common Scoter. Vince Kinsler (SOG).

Fobbing Marsh/Coryton 09:38 to 12:50
18 Waxwing first spotted by another birdwatcher on trees behind fence, viewable from seawall near lagoon and barrier, 1 Marsh Harrier, 1 Chiffchaff well seen and heard, 10+ Redwing, 100+ Teal, 6 Gadwall on Coryton lagoon, Cetti's Warbler heard behind seawall, 2000+ Lapwing, 1 Green Woodpecker. Barn Owl seen earlier. Richard Fahey, Peter Worland.

RSPB Wallasea Island, 10:00 to 11:30
2 Kestrel, 60+ Stock Dove amongst several hundred Woodpigeon, 4 Yellowhammer (3 males + female in bushes towards white gate), 210 Corn Bunting (110 in trees by farm, 90 on wires over field to south west and 10 near car park). Jeff Delve (SOG).

West Mersea 10:30 to 16:00
2 Little Egret, 500+ Brent Geese, 8 Wigeon, 12 Redshank, 17 Curlew, 200+ Dunlin, 10 Cormorant, 200+ Golden Plover, 400+ Lapwing, 1 Great Crested Grebe, 18 Little Grebe, 2 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit, 12 Oystercatcher, 8 Turnstone, 2 Red-breasted Merganser, 5 Great Black-backed Gull, 1 Goldeneye. Stacey Belbin.

Paglesham Lagoon 11:00 to 12:30
1 Chiffchaff, 1 Goldcrest, 10+ Goldeneye, 7 Pintail, 100+ Avocet on Roach. Peter Norgate.

Wakering Common, 11:30 to 11:40
2 Red-legged Partridge, 1 Water Rail in ditch along pathway at the start of common. Lee Ebbs (SOG).

Canvey Island, Charfleets 12:45 to 12:50
27 Waxwing. Jerry Stock.

Paglesham (South Hall) 13:00
40+ Fieldfare on trees behind hall. Peter Norgate.

Southend Seafront, 13:00 to 14:20
From Southend to Shoeburyness: 9 Mediterranean Gull. Marc Outten (SOG).

Canvey Wick 13:00 to 15:00
1 Little Owl, 1 Peregrine Falcon, 1 Green Woodpecker, 2 Goldcrest. Jerry Stock.

Ballards Walk Shops, Basildon 14:00
8+ Waxwing in trees by church. Darren Robertson.

Hanningfield Reservoir Causeway 14:00 to 14:15
350+ Black-headed Gull, 18 Great Black-backed Gull, 150+ Herring Gull, 12 lesser Black-backed Gull, 60+ Common Gull, 5 Carrion Crow, 100+ Tufted Duck, 30+ Mallard, 80+ Pochard, 120+ Wigeon, 40 Cormorant, 12 Coot, 30 Canada Geese, 23 Greylag Geese, 1 Blackbird, 2 Great Tit, 5 Magpie, 3 Blue Tit. Rob Harris.

Paglesham Lagoon, 14:05 to 16:30
2 Great Crested Grebe, 6 Little Egret, 33 Mute Swan, 1 Greylag Goose, 80 Canada Goose, 18 Pintail, 1 Scaup (1st-w male), 17 Goldeneye, 1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Kestrel, 1 Peregrine Falcon, 116 Avocet on the river, 70+ Fieldfare, 2 Chiffchaff, 1 Reed Bunting. Paul Griggs, Mike Clarke (SOG).

Canvey Island, 14:30 to 14:40
27 Waxwing by Charfleets and the garden centre. Steve Arlow (SOG, www.birdersplayground.co.uk).

Mucking Lakes, By Museum 15:00 to 16:00
1 Buzzard, 1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Kestrel, 60+ Goldfinch, 1 flock 100+ Redwing in trees, 1 Water Rail, 60+ Corn Buntings mobile flock. Jim Bailey.

RSPB Wallasea Island, 15:00 to 16:30
1 Marsh Harrier flew high north west, 1 ringtail Hen Harrier dropped into wild bird cover, 1 immature female Merlin sat on post at back of reptile area and later chasing Starlings over wbc, 1 Barn Owl over wild bird cover, 2 Short-eared Owl hunting over reptile area. Jeff Delve (SOG).

Gunners Park, 15:30 to 15:50
3 Little Grebe, 1 Long-tailed Duck, 1 Common Scoter, 4 Sanderling, 1 Redshank on lagoon, c.15 Turnstone, 3 Redpoll sp. over. Marc Outten (SOG).

Shoebury East Beach, 15:30 to 16:05
3 Eider (1'w drake & 2 female flew in from south west and landed close in north of boom), 2 Knot, 10 Bar-tailed Godwit, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker. Neil Chambers (SOG).

Paglesham Churchend, Punch Bowl Pub 16:35 to 16:45
1 Spoonbill flew South at 16:38, 1 Little Owl (heard). Paul Griggs, Mike Clarke (SOG).

Southend, Wimborne Road, 10:55 to 10:56 and 11:00 to 11:01
Whitethroat in the back garden. Presumably both sightings were of the same bird. Heather & Albert Watson. (telephone conversation with reporter who has many yeas birdwatching and ringing experience - Ed.)

Friday 04th January 2013westerly, mostly cloudy, max11°c    

Canewdon, 07:25
1 Barn Owl hunting alongside Scotts Hall Road. Neil Chambers (SOG).

Gunners Park, 09:00 to 10:00
1 Long-tailed Duck, 1 Common Scoter. Alan Shearman (SOG).

Hanningfield Reservoir Causeway 10:00 to 10:10
50+ Black-headed Gull, 13 Great Black-backed Gull, 50+ Herring Gull, 7 lesser Black-backed Gull, 5 Carrion Crow, 100+ Tufted Duck, 30+ Mallard, 80+ Pochard, 2 Goldeneye, 28 Cormorant, 12 Coot, 15 Canada Geese, 20 Greylag Geese, 2 Egyptian Geese. 2 Magpie, 1 Blue Tit. Rob Harris.

Wat Tyler Country Park, 10:00 to 12:45
From the scrape hide: 1 Little Egret, 4 Marsh Harrier, 1 Sparrowhawk, 2 Kestrel, 1 Water Rail (heard), 9 Snipe, 25 Stock Dove, 2 Cetti's Warbler (heard), 4 Reed Bunting, 8 Corn Bunting. John Wright (SOG).

Paglesham Lagoon, 11:00 to 14:00
11 Pintail, 1 Scaup (first winter male), 26 Goldeneye, 4 Red-breasted Merganser on Roach, 2 Bar-tailed Godwit on Roach, 2 Yellowhammer. Alan Shearman (SOG).

Canvey Island, 11:10 to 11:20
29 Waxwing at the end of 'Picketts' opposite the Canvey Carriage Co. Neil Chambers (SOG).

RSPB Canvey West 12:00
1 Short-eared Owl in area south of red hill, 2 Stonechat, 1 female Sparrowhawk. Pete Jackson.

Wat Tyler Country Park, 12:40 to 13:15
35 Teal, 1 Spotted Redshank, 13 Redshank, 32 Rook. Marc Outten (SOG).

Hadleigh Downs, 14:00 to 15:30
2 Sparrowhawk, 4 Mistle Thrush. Andrew Woodhouse (SOG).

Rolls Farm, Tollesbury 14:00 to 15:14
Little Egret, 30+ Brent Geese, 20+ Red-breasted Merganser, juvenile male Hen Harrier, 3 red-throated Diver, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, flock of Long-tailed Tit, Kestrel, Numerous Teal, Wigeon, Lapwing, Great Crested Grebe, Cormorant. S. Cook.

RSPB Wallasea Island and All Fleet's Marsh 15:00
1 Short-eared Owl, 10 Curlew, 15 Ringed Plover, 10 Dunlin, 4 Little Egret, 1 Greenshank, 30 Shelduck, 50 Redshank, 3 Turnstone, 35 Corn Bunting, 200 Lapwing, 300 Brent Geese. Joe Harris & Lorna Potter.

RSPB Wallasea Island, 15:00 to 16:30
1 Barn Owl, 2 Short-eared Owl, 70+ Corn Bunting. Alan Shearman (SOG).

RSPB Wallasea Island 15:15 to 16:30
1 Little Egret, 2 Barn Owl, 2 Short-Eared Owl, 3 Mallard, 1 Stonechat, 60+ Corn Bunting, 6 Carrion Crow, 1 Kestrel (attacked by one of the Short-Eared Owls near car park). Rob Harris.

Wickford, Whist Drive 15:30
1 Little Egret flew over. G. Dixon.

Thursday 03rd January 2013west south west, partly cloudy, max11°c    

Paglesham Lagoon 09:30 to 10:30
Chiffchaff, drake Pintail. Terry Jeffreys.

Wat Tyler Country Park, 10:50 to 13:30
1 Grey Heron, 2 female Marsh Harrier, 8 Snipe, 1 Grey Wagtail, 2 Cetti's Warbler. 1 Red Fox, 1 Northern Water Vole. Graham Ryland (SOG).

Canvey Island, Charfleets Industrial Estate 11:00
c.55 Waxwing flying to/from ornamental shrubs in front of Canvey Carriage Co. car showroom in Canvey Road. Ian White.

Gunners Park 11:00 to 11:30
Long-tailed Duck, Common Scoter. Terry Jeffreys.

Paglesham Lagoon, 11:00 to 12:30
33 Mute Swan, 11 Pintail, 1 Scaup (1st winter male), 15 Goldeneye, 125 Avocet on Roach, 3 Reed Bunting, 7 Corn Bunting. John Wright (SOG).

Grays 11:30
15-20 Waxwing in trees by side of tyre garage next to Morrisons Petrol station. B. Goss.

Orsett 11:50
20-25 Waxwing in hedge at side of old A13 close to Grovesnor Road Orsett seen from 100 Lakeside Bus. B. Goss.

Wat Tyler Country Park 12:00 to 12:30
Marsh Harrier, Pochard, Wigeon, Teal, Gadwall, 10 Snipe, Pied Wagtail, Starling, Mallard, Little Grebe, Shelduck, 50+ Lapwing, Magpie, Carrion Crow, House Sparrow, Collared Dove, Woodpigeon, Rook. Terry Jeffreys.

Gunners Park 12:15 to 12:45
1 Little Grebe, 2 Mute Swan, 1 Long-tailed Duck, 1 Common Scoter, 20 Turnstone, 5 Oystercatcher, 2 Blackbird. Rob Harris.

Wickford, Whist Avenue/Beauchamps Drive. 12:30 to 13:00
100 Waxwing feeding on bushes and perched on telegraph wires. Pam and Terry Bigland.

RSPB Wallasea Island 13:00 to 13:30
2 Kestrel, 60+ Corn Bunting, 4 Reed Bunting, 5 Chaffinch, 12 House Sparrow, 2 Little Egret, 130+ Wood Pigeon, 2 Magpie, 12 Carrion Crow, 50+ Starling. Rob Harris.

RSPB Vange Marsh 13:15 to 16:00
60+ Teal, 35 Wigeon, 80+ Shoveler, 9 Gadwall, 3 little Grebe, 3 Grey Heron, 9 Curlew, 36 Mallard, 2 Spotted Greenshank, 3 Green Sandpiper, 1 Cetti's Warbler. David Shepherd.

RSPB Wallasea Island, 14:55 to 15:40
1 ringtail Hen Harrier, 1 Barn Owl, 1 Short-eared Owl. Peter Collins (SOG).

RSPB Wallasea Island 15:10 to 16:00
1 Little Egret, 6 Curlew, 1 ringtail Hen Harrier, 1 Barn Owl, 1 Short-eared Owl, 100+ Corn Bunting. Kris Mee, Web Author.

Southend Seafront 16:00
20 Turnstone, 15 Ringed Plover, 100 Sanderling, 40 Dunlin. Joe Harris & Lorna Potter.

Wednesday 02nd January 2013south south westerly, clear then rain, max11°c    

Benfleet, 08:00
7 Greylag Goose over my garden. Graham Ryland (SOG).

Southchurch Park East 08:35
Great Spotted Woodpecker in south east corner of park mainly feeding but one burst of drumming. Alec Beanse.

Fobbing Marsh/Coryton 09:35 to 12:35
5 Lesser Redpoll, 7 Brent Geese came low over seawall and started flying west but turned back, 1 Marsh Harrier, 1 Green Sandpiper, 1 Chiffchaff (a very brief view but heard well), 1 Snipe, 100+ Teal, 2 Gadwall with a large flock of Mallard on Coryton lagoon, 15+ Redwing, 2 Little Egret, 1 Cetti's Warbler heard behind seawall. Richard Fahey.

Hockley Woods, 10:00 to 11:00
10 Stock Dove, 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 3 Redwing, 2 Goldcrest, 2 Treecreeper. Lee Ebbs (SOG).

Paglesham Lagoon, 10:15 to 12:50
4 Great Crested Grebe on river, 8 Whooper Swan, 12 Pintail, 1 Scaup, 17 Goldeneye, 110 Avocet on river, 2 Bar-tailed Godwit on river, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 5 Fieldfare, 2 Mistle Thrush, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Goldcrest, 5 Long-tailed Tit, 3 Corn Bunting. Graham Ryland (SOG).

Lubards Farm, Hullbridge 10:30
3 Yellowhammer (real rarity round here!). Hilary Knight.

Hockley to Paglesham (Cycle) 11:30 to 12:30
9 Pheasant (5 male, 4 female), 4 Grey Heron, small flock Goldfinch, 2 Cormorant flying towards Wallasea, 5 Chaffinch, 1 Brown Hare. David Z.

Butler's Farm, 12:00 to 12:30
6 Tufted Duck (on fishing lake), 50 Lapwing, 2 Song Thrush, 1 Jackdaw. Lee Ebbs (SOG).

Chalkwell Park Drive, Leigh, 12:15 to 12:20
1 male Blackcap in garden. John Wright (SOG).

Gunners Park 13:00 to 14:14
1 female Long-tailed Duck. S. Jackson.

Paglesham Lagoon, 13:30 to 15:15
35 Mute Swan feeding in cabbage field just east of Barton Hall Farm, 8 Whooper Swan (4 adults and 4 1st winter feeding with the mute flock east of Barton Hall Farm. At 15:00 the Whoopers and some mutes flew to Paglesham Lagoon, 12 Pintail (7m, 5f), 1 Scaup (1st winter male), 8 Goldeneye, 50+ Meadow Pipit (in large flock in field east of lagoon). Don Petrie (SOG).

RSPB Wallasea Island, 14:00 to 16:20
1 ringtail Hen Harrier, 2 Sparrowhawk, 2 Kestrel, 1 Grey Wagtail, 80 Corn Bunting. Graham Ryland (SOG).

Southend Pier, 14:15 to 15:45
2 Red-throated Diver, 4 Great Crested Grebe, 35 Mediterranean Gull, 1 Kittiwake, 8 Guillemot. 2 Common Seal. John Wright (SOG).

Tuesday 01st January 2013westerly, partly cloudy, max8°c    

Rayleigh High Street 02:00
c.150 Pied Wagtail roosting in the tree outside ASK in Rayleigh High Street. Paul Rossiter.

Wakering Stairs 07:45 to 09:20
1 Grey Heron, 7 Little Egret (2 at the Stairs, 5 on Havengore), 702 Dark-bellied Brent Goose, 18 Barnacle Goose (flying with Brents), 1 Kestrel, 111 Curlew, 88 Redshank, 18 Stock Dove, 1 Green Woodpecker, 1 Jay, 44 Carrion Crow, 2 Jackdaw (unusual here), 4 Red-legged Partridge, 33 Blackbird. Many Rabbit, 1 Fox. David Selley.

Hadleigh Country Park 08:15 to 08:29
Pair of Bullfinch, the first time I actually had a clear view! Ellen Hume.

Shoebury East Beach, 09:00 to 09:25
283 Dark-bellied Brent Goose, 52+ Oystercatcher, 40 Curlew, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Siskin low over calling heading west. Marc Outten (SOG).

Gunners Park, 09:05 to 09:40
3 Red-throated Diver offshore flying west, 47 Great Crested Grebe offshore, 1 female Long-tailed Duck, 1 Common Scoter, 30 Bar-tailed Godwit on the mud offshore, 3 Kittiwake Following ship upriver, 2 Alcidae sp. (2 distant auk sp. flying west), 1 Kingfisher in the main drain, 1 Song Thrush singing by the car park. Martin Cracknell

Gunners Park, 09:15 to 10:00
5 Red-throated Diver flew up river, 1 female Long-tailed Duck, 1 female Common Scoter still on lake with 7+ offshore distantly beyond tide line, 1 Guillemot distantly, 2 Green Woodpecker. Steve Arlow (SOG, www.birdersplayground.co.uk).

Gunners Park, 09:20 to 10:20
1 Long-tailed Duck (lake), 1 Common Scoter (lake), 3 Red-legged Partridge (in the school grounds), 1 Kingfisher (in the main drain then flew to the old pond), 2 Green Woodpecker, 5 Long-tailed Tit. Paul Griggs (SOG).

Gunners Park, 09:25 to 11:55
3 Red-throated Diver, 2 Little Grebe, 20+ Great Crested Grebe offshore, 5 Cormorant, 5 Wigeon, 1 female Long-tailed Duck on lagoon, 11 Common Scoter (10 offshore one female on the lagoon), 3 Red-legged Partridge, 4 Lapwing, c.250 Knot, 19 Sanderling, c.300 Bar-tailed Godwit, 2 Guillemot, 1 Green Woodpecker, 7 Meadow Pipit, 2 Mistle Thrush. Marc Outten (SOG).

Two Tree Island West, 09:30 to 11:00
3 Cormorant, 1 Little Egret, 5 Shelduck, 30 Wigeon, 80 Teal, 2 Shoveler, 3 Avocet, 60 Lapwing, 2 Snipe (on scrape), 3 Curlew, 18 Redshank, 1 Turnstone, 1 Blackbird, 1 Long-tailed Tit, 1 Blue Tit, 2 Great Tit, 2 Magpie, 2 Carrion Crow, 4 Reed Bunting. Brian Baldock (SOG).

Gunners Park, 10:15 to 10:45
3 Little Grebe, 2 Great Crested Grebe, 1 female Long-tailed Duck on lake, 1 Common Scoter, 1 male Sparrowhawk, 20 Sanderling, 8 Bar-tailed Godwit. Neil Chambers (SOG).

Gunners Park, 10:15 to 11:30
2 Little Grebe, 1 Long-tailed Duck, 1 Common Scoter, 38 Sanderling. Graham Ryland (SOG).

Gunners Park, 10:30 to 11:15
2 Little Grebe, 5 Great Crested Grebe, 1 Long-tailed Duck, 1 Common Scoter, 1 male Sparrowhawk, 20 Sanderling, 6 Bar-tailed Godwit, 2 Meadow Pipit. Lee Ebbs (SOG).

Pitsea 11:00
1 female Marsh Harrier. Phil Shaw.

Southchurch Hall Park, 11:00 to 11:45
1 Little Egret (a very confiding bird feeding on the pool northwest of main duck pond). Steve Arlow (SOG, www.birdersplayground.co.uk).

Eastwood Brook, 11:05
1 Little Egret dropping into brook behind Comet Way. Neil Chambers (SOG).

Gunners Park, 11:30 to 12:15
3 Little Grebe, 4 Mute Swan, 4 Mallard, 1 Long-tailed Duck, 1 Common Scoter, 1 Moorhen, 40 Black-headed Gull, 1 Rock Pipit. Brian Baldock (SOG).

Two Tree Island West, 11:50 to 14:00
3 Greenshank, 5 Waxwing west end, 2 Fieldfare. Graham Ryland (SOG).

Wakering Stairs, 12:00 to 12:30
1 Cormorant, 1 Little Egret, 2 Kestrel, 6 Grey Plover, 100+ Knot, 30+ Dunlin, 5 Chaffinch, 3 Goldfinch. Lee Ebbs (SOG).

Northwick Corner, Canvey Island 12:00 to 12:30
c.60 Waxwing sitting in a nearby garden and flying across to feed on berries by the road. We also saw a different flock of a similar size on the opposite side of the road to West Canvey Marshes car park as we drove past just before 12:00. Craig, Holly, Lorraine and Peter Johnson.

Rossi's Ice Cream, Westcliff, 12:15
2 adult Mediterranean Gull. Paul Griggs (SOG).

Southend Pier, 12:15 to 14:45
7 Red-throated Diver, 29 Mediterranean Gull (at least including colour rung Green AAEZ and White 3E72), 2 adult Kittiwake, 11 Guillemot (including 2 summer plumaged birds). Steve Arlow (SOG, www.birdersplayground.co.uk).

Hampton Barns, 12:20 to 13:15
1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Buzzard, 90 Lapwing, 1 Barn Owl (15.20 on the way back from Paglesham Lagoon), 1 Song Thrush, 4 Mistle Thrush, 10 Long-tailed Tit, 1 Yellowhammer, 5 Reed Bunting, 3 Corn Bunting. Marc Outten, Sally Brierley (SOG).

Two Tree Island West, 12:35 to 12:50
5 Waxwing 50yds west of first car park. Paul Griggs (SOG).

Two Tree Island West, 13:00 to 13:30
5 Waxwing. Brian Baldock (SOG).

Paglesham Lagoon, 13:15 to 15:00
10 Pintail, c.130 Pochard, 1 Scaup, 19 Goldeneye, 65 Avocet in Paglesham Reach, 3 Grey Plover, 18 Dunlin, 3 Corn Bunting. Marc Outten, Sally Brierley (SOG).

Gunners Park, 13:20 to 13:45
1 female Long-tailed Duck, 1 female Common Scoter, 4 Chaffinch. Kris Mee, Web Author.

Gunners Park, 13:30 to 14:00
2 Little Grebe, 1 Long-tailed Duck, 1 Common Scoter, 50+ Ringed Plover, 70+ Sanderling, 20 Turnstone. Peter Collins (SOG).

Prittle Brook, Leigh on Sea, 13:45 to 14:30
2 Wood Pigeon, 1 Collared Dove, 2 Dunnock, 1 Jackdaw, 1 House Sparrow, 1 Chaffinch, 2 Greenfinch. Brian Baldock (SOG).

Wakering Stairs, 14:10 to 14:50
1 Grey Plover, 1 Redwing. Kris Mee, Web Author.

Leigh on Sea 14:30
20+ Turnstone and 4 Knot squabbling over some discarded chips on the wharf. David Z.

Two Tree Island West, 14:30 to 14:45
3 Waxwing (50 yards on main track, R.H. side). Peter Collins (SOG).

Canvey Point, 14:55 to 15:20
5 Red-throated Diver, 5 Great Crested Grebe, 20 Kittiwake around dredger working off the seafront, 3 Guillemot. Martin Cracknell (SOG).

Shoebury, Friars Park, 15:00 to 15:20
1 Fieldfare, 2 Goldcrest. Lee Ebbs (SOG).

Lakeside Retail Park, Thurrock 15:00 to 15:40
100+ Waxwing feeding on berry bushes in Costco car park. Janice Bright.

Wat Tyler Country Park, 15:05 to 16:40
35 Greylag Goose flew over west, 35 Canada Goose roosted on scrape, 4 Marsh Harrier (adult and immature males, female and juvenile), 1 Sparrowhawk, 3 Water Rail (1 seen in front of hide), 5 Snipe, 16 Stock Dove, 1 Green Woodpecker, 1 Grey Wagtail, 2 Cetti's Warbler (singing). Neil Chambers, Paul Baker (SOG).

RSPB Wallasea Island, 15:15 to 16:00
1 Little Egret, 1 male Hen Harrier, 2 Kestrel, 5 Curlew, 1 Short-eared Owl, 1 Yellowhammer, 100+ Corn Bunting. Kris Mee, Web Author.

RSPB Wallasea Island, 15:40 to 16:15
2 Hen Harrier (nice male and a much more distant ringtail), 2 Kestrel, 2 Barn Owl, 2 Short-eared Owl. Steve Arlow (SOG, www.birdersplayground.co.uk).

RSPB Wallasea Island, 15:40 to 16:15
1 male Hen Harrier, 2 Kestrel, 2 Barn Owl, 2 Short-eared Owl, 90 Corn Bunting. Marc Outten, Sally Brierley (SOG).

Chelmsford 16:00
7 Goosander, four male and three female on the Chelmer by the university. Peter Marchington.

Canewdon, Scots Hall Road, 16:20 to 16:30
1 Little Owl. Marc Outten, Sally Brierley (SOG).

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