Favourite Photographs from 2004

At the end of 2004 we asked our visitors to vote for their favourite photograph of the year. After collating all of our replies there was one photograph that nearly everyone had voted for.

The photograph of the Turnstone below was taken by Steve Arlow of the Southend Ornithological Group on Southend Pier on the 27th November.

We asked Steve to tell us a little regarding the story behind the picture and this is what he told us: "The history of the Turnstone picture is as thus. Many of the Turnstones on the end of the pier are rather tame, often coming right up to people, especially if they have something to eat. To obtain this picture all I did was lay on the decking of the Sundeck, flick out a piece of flotsum to a nearby Turnstone and let the inquisitive bird come to me. No digi-scoping these birds, the camera was hand held at only 1x optical zoom on a bird that was only 4 feet away."


Coming a close second and third were these two also taken by Steve Arlow.

Great Spotted Woodpecker

Spotted Flycatcher

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The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. Registered charity no 207076