The top picture as voted for by our visitors at the end of the year is the Barn Owl at Paglesham. We asked Steve Arlow, the photographer, to tell us the story of the photograph: "I was walking the footpath to the lagoon at Paglesham from the Jubilee Cottages when I saw the Barn Owl that had been around for a few weeks quartering the fields on the other side of the reed filled ditch. As it was about 100 yards away, I quickly scrambled for my camera and took several shots before it saw me and headed directly towards me. I kept taking pictures as it flew by only 5 metres away before heading off along the edge of the reeds. In my scramble to get the camera out I had knocked the settings so only this single image came out and with the incorrect settings the wings of the bird are just slightly blurred but I am still pleased with the end result".
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Web Design Graham Mee. ? Copyright of all pages South East Essex RSPB Local Group. All images copyright of owners
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. Registered charity no 207076